Part 6

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I slowly wake up as I hear my alarm beeping I look at the time as I go to stop it and see it's 7:40am and school starts at 8:40 I slowly take Jacksons arm off my waist as I go down stairs to make breakfast
After it's made it's only 8:10am I go up stairs to wake Jackson up
~Y/N: "Jackson wake up breakfast is ready "
~Jackson: *groans* "yeye let me sleep "
~Y/N: "but it's almost school and your foods gonna get cold "
~Jackson: "whatever "
Jackson slowly got up then we both head down stairs to eat the breakfast I made. Breakfast was awkward as no one talked I wanted to talk but I didn't want to put him in an worser mood then he already was .
After eating i went to get ready for school .
wearing my black cargo trousers and a top which only shows a little bit of my stomach (not too much tho Jackson wouldn't let me ) and my shoes then going to put a little bit of make up on and not forgetting my mask just as I'm finished Jackson walks in the room ready in his clothes
~Jackson: "are you ready yet you take forever"
~Y/N: "y-yes sorry I'm coming "

We walk out the house not forgetting to lock it and we're walking down the road to school some boys walk past and look at us and Jackson places his arm around my waist and whispers in my ear
~Jackson: "why was he looking at you " he says angrily
~Y/N : "i-I don't know "
Jackson scoffs as we carry on to school as we get in the school ground I hear a familiar voice shout my name
~Jungkook:" y/n -y/n wait"
Me and Jackson turn around to see who shouted me and I can feel jacksons hand gripping harder onto me
~Jackson: "who are you " he says anger radiating of his voice
~Jungkook: "I'm jungkook, who are you "?
~Jackson:" Jackson and why was you shouting MY girlfriend's name "?
~Jungkook :" because she's my friend " " can I not be her friend "
~Jackson :" no now bye "
Jackson starst to walk away pulling you with him. You turn around to look back and jungkook but Jackson pulls your chin to not look at him

Time skip

Lessons went veryyyy slow but at least now it's break and I can finally get some food .
I quickly make my way down the hall when I feel a hand around my shoulder I turn around to see jungkook standing next to me
~Jungkook:" hey , what was up earlier"?
~Y/N :" oh ermmm nothing everything was fine why you ask "?
~Jungkook:" oh you just didn't talk and your boyfriend seems very protective of you :"
~Y/N:" oh yeah sorry about that I was just half asleep " *haha*
We both make our way to the line to get our food then go to the table in the corner to the rest of the boys
~Jimin:" hey guys "
~Y/N:" hello how are you all"?
~Jin:" oh were all doing fine thank you for asking
Y/N pulls down her mask to eat forgetting about the little bruise that formed over night at the side of her face
~Namjoon:" Y/N:" what happened to your face " *worried*
They all turn to look at you as you look back at them confused
~Y/N:" w-what do you mean "?
~Hoseok:" look you have a bruise on your face "
Y/N grabs out her phone and goes to her camera to see a bruise on the side of get cheek
~Y/N:💭shit my mask must have rubbed of my makeup I mean I didn't really put that much foundation on "
~Y/N:" oh yeah I walked into the wall "* lauging hoping the boys will believe it *
~Jungkook:" oh yeah you should be more careful you silly bugger"
*Everyone starts laughing at Jungkooks remark*
Whilst they were all having fun and messing about non of them realised the angry glare coming from across the room

Jackson pov

I had to stay behind about 7 minutes because the teacher wanted to talk to me because I wasn't listening in class and I was being very rude but like I care I couldn't stop thinking about that jungkook boy like what's he doing with my girlfriend and shouting her name she's mine and not his .
After the teacher let me go I started to look for Y/N because I'm sure she's going to be with Jungkook . So I walked into the dinner hall and I looked around till my eyes landed on the table at the back where Y/N and 7 other boys sat
~Jackson💭: "oh so she isn't cheating on me with just one boy but 7 " "Looks like I'm gonna have to teach the little hoe that's she's mine and only mine *evil smirk *

Y/N pov

Whilst me and the boys were talking the bell started to ring and everyone started to get up for lesson Namjoon and Jin went there own way for maths. hoseok , Jimin had English and Tae and jungkook had art and Yoongi had music . I had English with hoseok and Jimin but I waited behind a few minutes for the croud to settle down then started to go to English whilst listening to music but I couldn't help but feel an unsettling feeling that someone was watching me and it made me feel very anxious but there were still quite a few people in the halls so I was sure nothing was gonna happen . Finally I reached the English doors and walked in hearing Jimin and hoseok shout me over
~Hoseok and Jimin :" Y/N over here "
~Y/N :" haii Hobi , hi chimmi "
~Jimin:" oooohh we have nicknames we need to give you one now " * thinking
~Hoseok:" ooh how about -
~teacher :" Hoseok , Jimin and Y/N be quite or would you like to continue your conversation in the front of the class "?
~Jimin:" sorry miss it won't happen again "

Time skip to next lesson

I now had photography and started to head there once I got there I walked in and saw some people stood at the back and went to join them when I saw my Jungkook
~Y/N:" Jungkook what's happening. "* Whispering very quietly*
~Jungkook:" it's a seating plan "
~Y/N:" *groans*
Jungkook starts to laugh
~Y/N:" what's so funny "
~Jungkook:" nothing your just so cute when your annoyed "
Y/N crosses her arms and starts to blush
the teacher starts to do the seating plan it started going okay then Jackson walks in
~Teacher:" oh Jackson nice of you to join us "*rolls eyes *
~teacher:" okay jungkook sit on the 3rd row back next to ... Woosung "
Y/N sighs since she couldn't sit next to jungkook but then the teacher says
~Teacher :" and finally y/N sit at the back corner next to ... Jackson "
I walk to the back corner and sit down as I see Jackson walking closer to me


By the way if you haven't seen the changes in chapter 1 ( first meeting)  it says she's an selective mute ( I forgot to put it in at the starts sorry)

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