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This is going to be a long day...

She muttered to herself, pulling on the blue rubber gloves. Stepping into the crowded hospital room, Luka Bondivik moved her way out of the couple of familiar faces in the room, directing her gaze over to a Hispanic boy. "Carlos. I thought I told you to stay out of my hospital wing?" Luka questioned, her eyebrows raised.

Carlos, a tall Hispanic 27 year old, gazed his mocha brown eyes upon the familiar face who had entered the room. A smirk appeared on his face, causing him to chaotically throw an arm around her. "Luka! You're back early! However, this was not me this time." He responded, pointing over to a similar looking man in the bed.

Luka grunts as he throws the arm over her, but directs her gaze over to the other man.

"That's my brother, Lance." Carlos filled in. "He has come to stay with us!" He cheerfully said, letting go of Luka. Nodding, she walks over and goes on with checking his vitals.

"So, Lance." Luka started, "I have heard many good things, and yet stupid thing about you from your loud mouth of a brother." She chuckled, gazing up at him. Aha. the culprit. A broken nose and a laceration across his cheek bone. "So, What happened exactly?"

The two brothers look at each other quietly before Lance speaking up. "W-well we were- We got into a... duel. Or fight-" He hesitant said, looking slightly embarrassed yet full of energy. Luka sighs and nods, sitting on the side of the bed. "So! Lance." She stated before quickly grabbing his nose and snapping it back in place. A crack then a groan of pain followed the movements.

"Gods, how I love hearing those noises..." Luka muttered quietly to herself before getting up. "So, the nurses will come in to take a look at that laceration on your cheek and make sure your nose is cleaned up." She reported, taking off her gloves and throwing them away. "Wait... Are you not a nurse? Didn't you just snap my nose back?" He questioned. Luka sighs and turns around with a slight smile. "That's what doctors are for, dear."

Patting Carlos softly on the back, Luka makes her way out while saying a slight hello to the familiar people in the room.

Carlos made his way over to his brother's side, smirking slightly. "What?" Lance gave him a funny look. "I've seen that look in your eye. Don't deny it." He chuckled. Lance adverts his gaze and crosses his arms before sighing.

"Yeah.... She's gorgeous."

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