Chapter 17

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Elsa awoke, her head pounding.

She opened her eyes and saw that her hands were bound by chains, and she was locked in a dimly lit cell. On the other side of the cell, she could see the little girl she spoke with earlier. She was still small, but she didn't seem so "little"; in fact, this "girl" was cloaked in black and holding a cane. She was staring at Elsa with unfriendly eyes.

"Who...what....?" Elsa was confused, and pulled against her restraints, but to no avail.

"Save your struggling, water-user," said the girl, who actually sounded like a mature older woman. "I want to make sure to get top dollar for you when the dealers come.'re a special one. Hope you enjoyed your time in Zuen. It'll be the last time you see daylight in a good long while..."

The little woman cloaked in black turned and walked toward the exit.

"Wait...please...don't leave me here!" pleaded Elsa. The pleas fell on deaf ears as the woman left. Once again Elsa struggled, but could not free herself from her chains.

"Why...?" Elsa said to herself.

"Why indeed," came a voice. Elsa looked up; in the cell neighboring hers was Olivia, also chained by her hands. She wasn't looking at Elsa, instead out the window. "This is why I warned you not to make your powers known around these parts. Magic is a hot commodity, and as soon as people know you're carrying a lot of it, they try to kidnap you and sell you off to the highest bidder. Zuen is a notorious black market for the slave trade."

"Slaves?" Elsa suddenly felt anxious, as thought the restraints were actually around her neck and were constricting ever so slowly. "How do you know all this?"

"How do I know? I used to be one," replied Olivia. "Both me and my brother. It took everything I had to get out of my predicament. And now that we're back here, looks like we're in for a world of hurt. Or a lifetime of indentured servitude. Potato, po-tah-toh."

"But how do we get out of here?" asked Elsa. "I can't be a do we escape?"

"Are you stupid, Frosty, or has the ice in your brain finally sapped your senses? It's OVER. We lost. The one thing we didn't want to happen has happened. And now there's nothing we can do. Except wait to be sold to the highest bidder. Ah, speaking of which..."

There was the sound of a door opening, and footsteps descending into the dungeon. Elsa braced herself, prepared to be face-to-face with that horrible little woman that had deceived her.

Instead, it was the two girls she saw from before, the water-wielders in the plaza.

The two girls looked scared, like they knew they shouldn't have been in that area. Still, the smaller of the two approached the cell containing Elsa. "Are you her?" she asked. "Are you the ice-wielder?"

Elsa nodded. Excited, the two girls' eyes widened. "We've never seen people like us around here. My sister and I, we're left alone because of our family, but we know that water-users aren't well-liked around here."

"For the longest time we thought there was something wrong with us," said the older one. "Until we saw you. Until we saw...the bird..." she whispered the last part conspiratorially. 

"You showed us what's truly capable with our powers," said the younger girl. "We're not freaks. We're strong...just like you. And you don't deserve to be sold off by our folks."

The older girl dug in her pocket and revealed a key, and she used that to enter Elsa's cell and unlock her restraints.

Elsa was legitimately touched. "Thank you," she said. "But aren't you both worried about getting into trouble?"

"Our folks are the most important people in Zuen," said the younger one. "If they have a problem with it,  they can go through us."

"Only now, it won't be so easy," said the older one. "Knowing what we're capable of.

"Thank you," Elsa, said, exiting the cell...but then pausing. "If you could...can you free my friend in the neighoring cell?"

The older furrowed her brow. "Why? What has she done for you? She's  a fire user."

"That may be true," replied Elsa. "But no person deserves to live a life of servitude. Please set her free."

"I wish I could," said the younger one. "But we only brought down the key to free you."

"Then I'll do it myself," Elsa placed her hands on the lock and in seconds it froze and broke. She then did the same to Olivia's shackles. Olivia's eyes widened in surprise and suspicion.

"Why did you do that?" asked Olivia. "You could have left me and traveled the rest of the way to Baba Yaga!"

"Don't be silly," explained Elsa. "If it wasn't for you, I never would have made it this far. Now come on: we've got a ride to catch at 4."

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