The new world awaits

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* after a few days has passed and Erza and Jellal got better they got new clothes and they got their communicate lackrima and their lackrima card as well and they were ready to see what this new world has to offer for them*

Erza: *finished changing into a black body suit that is skin tight and has red lines running down on the side of her leg and going up to her stomach and from that it goes up to her chest where it form a red heart * this feels amazing like I have a second skin or something and I love the design as well

Jellal:* has a dark jeans on with a black shirt and a dark blue jacket on the shirt has a heart on it as well but it's light blue * these clothes are amazing they are so comfortable and they look great as well

Erza: I know right for an angel you look really sexy in those jeans

Jellal: well coming from a sexy devil like your self I will take that as a complement

Erza: and here I thought all angels are supposed to be innocent and pure

Jellal: *grabs erza by her waist and pulls her close to him as close as their lips almost touch* I no longer have to be a good boy so be sure to not to teas me much

Erza: *face turns as red as her hair* -//////- okay I get it I will not tease you

Natsu: *leaning against the door frame as he watches the two of them * I'm glad to see that you to are in much better health now

Jellal: yes thank you so much for saving us and for treating our wounds as well * bows his head to natsu*

Erza: that's right we are truly grateful to you for all that you have done for us

Natsu: I'm just glad that you two are doing better and no need to thank me I was glad that I could save both of you

Jellal: *lifts his head up * is there any way we can repay you for your kindness

Natsu: yes there is

Jellal: what is it

Natsu: go and live your lives the ones you always wanted to have that's all

Erza: *burst into tears *

Natsu: now then if you could come with me I would be happy to show you two around town the capital is a big place but once you get used to it you will know everything where it is

Jellal: *wipes away erzas tears* we would be happy to see this world of yours

Erza: *stops crying and holds jelals hand tightly as they walk after natsu* by the way natsu where is Lucy right now I was hoping to talk to her

Natsu: she is at work right now but she should finish by this afternoon so after that you can talk to each other

Erza: * a little socked* Lucy has a job don't tell me that she is doing something like serving man

Natsu: *fire burst from his body* 💢 oh heavens no she is modeling and we don't have such places in my country

Erza: *whisper to jellal* was it something I said

Jellal: *whisper back* I think the idea made him angry maybe he likes Lucy

Natsu: *takes a deep breath* okay then so why don't we fly I'm sure that both of your wings are fine right

Erza: yes they are fine but I don't think I can grow my wings out in this outfit

Jellal: same here it would be a waste to turn such amazing clothes

Natsu: you don't have to worry about stuff like that the magic silk that was used to make them can change any way you want them to so if you want to grow out your wings your outfit will just change so you can use your wings

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