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It has been a few years now since Ma's death. I'm still staying with Alec and the authorities are still trying to get a hold of my dad. They have contacted other family members but none of them are willing to take me in, and I don't want to be with any of them. I'm fine staying with Alec even though he can be sort of a brat sometimes. We share a room we both got a queen sized bed and our own dressers. His room is huge! I haven't really talked much since Ma died. Alec is always trying to cheer me up, we talk but it's not the same anymore. We're both 14 and he has a girlfriend, sorry, had a girlfriend. Whenever she comes over she's really rude to me, but  just ignore her. Alec always sticks up for me though. Telling her to shut up and that him and I were just friends, that I just needed a place to stay for awhile. Once when she came over she made some rude comment about me. He exploded and told her what happened to my Ma. She just looked at me and walked out of the house. He broke up with her after that. He told me it wouldn't happen again. He doesn't want anyone to hurt me. He knows there's is something wrong, ever since Ma died, aside from me hardly talking there's something else very wrong with me, and it scares me. Its like ever since what happened, something inside me just snapped

Anytime that I start thinking about what happened and my mind starts to wonder my neck begins to twitch making me tilt me head slightly at every twitch of my muscle. I freaks Alec out. Its worst at night, Alec tells me I sometimes talk in my sleep, and I've woken up screaming and crying. HE also says that I sometimes sleep with my eyes open. I don't mean to scare him, I scare myself sometimes. He's always bee there when I've needed someone to talk to. I've started talking a little bit more and my night terrors are diminishing. The night terrors started to subside when Alec and I pushed our bed together in the middle of his room. If I get scared or walk up screaming he's rght their to calm me down immediately, that way I don't wake up GG. Alec tells me that I must be atracked to heat because he tells me that he wakes up with me curled up against his back in his bed. He'll either push me back over to my side without waking me up or he'll get up, walk around to the other side of our two beds and go sleep on my side.

One of the nights I must have been having a night terror that I wasn't waking up from because Alec told me he woke up because his arm was numb and tingling. Apparently I had been gripping onto his arm really tightly. The next day small bruises formed on him upper arm were my fingers had a death grip on him. I apologized but he told me not to worry about it. He was just happy that I hadn't woken up crying or screaming and that I didn't even remember what the night terror was that I had.

Things have gotten somewhat better, We are know both freshman in high school, I'm sort of enjoying it but the people there can be really cruel. I've been pushed around a lot, but since Alec is in most of my classes he tries to help me out. He always stands up for me, no matter what. I appreciate him being there for me, although he sometimes makes the situation worse. He's gotten sent to the principles office because he got into a fist fight with one of the kids who pushed me down in the hall. If he gets sent to the principles any more this quarter he could be expelled or have an OSS for a month and have to help clean up after school for two weeks once he gets back. I really don't want him to get into trouble but he won't listen to me. I tell him to let it go, i don't care that those people push me around, but he won't hear of it.

After the first quarter of the school year I became very good friends with a sophomore, his name was Mase. He was around 5'7", he had dark brown hair, almost black, that shimmered hen he was outside because of the light. He had dark blue eyes that reminded me of the night sky just as the sun was going down. He his hair came down to the middle of his ears and he had a round face. He liked to show off his new muscle car that he got for his birthday. He would always call me over for a ride and a could here all of the girls around him making rude comments about me.

One of them walked u to him when I was there and said, " Why are you hanging out with this freak when you could be with me?" like i wasn't even there. 

"Because she's nice and isn't rude like you are. She's an amazing girl with an interesting back round. Leave her alone." She glared at him and walked away stripping in her excruciatingly high, high heels.

I actually laughed. A bunch of people stared at me but Mase just smiled.

Mase drove me home after school. He knew everything about my situation. He's the only one I've told about what happened my Ma and staying with Alec, he understands me completely. I can be myself around him. I get out of the car, thank him for the ride and walk up to the house. The door is wide open.

I walk in, " Hello?"

Alec comes flying around the corner from the kitchen. "Where the hell were you?!?!" He screamed

"I was just with Mase, he..."

Alec cut me off, "Never mind, you're here now."

"I found her mom. She's here."

GG comes around the corner. "Oh thank god."

She's hold the phone to her ear and is covering the speaker. She goes back to talking on the phone.

"I'm sorry for the trouble officer. She just  got home. Everything's ok. She's fine." She nods her head. "Yes thank you. Have a good day sir."

GG turns towards me. "Where were you?" she asks in a monotone voice.

"I was with Mase. He gave me a ride home." I say somewhat worried now.

"What? Who's Mase? Why didn't you tell us where you were?"

"Mase is her friend mom." Alec says for me

"I'm sorry I just forgot." I finish

"Just don't let it happen again, ok?"

"Ok, GG."

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