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Freshman year. I can't believe this is happening! Jessica and I have been together for 2 months. She couldn't wait for me to start high school. You might think it's weird that I'm dating someone 2 years older than me- yeah that's right, I'm dating a junior. Pretty cool, huh? I'm Theo. Some may say I was the most popular person in my middle school, Tankerson Junior High. Eufaula isn't the most filled place in Oklahoma, but there are a good few people.

"Babe, are you ready for your first day! What are you going to wear? Oh! I know, look at this shirt." Jessica points to a blue and white striped t-shirt. "This totes goes with your eyes! You would be so adorbs in this!"

"Its... nice. I was thinking more of this." I grab a red tank top, and my older brothers letterman jacket that has the Eufaula High logo on the back.

"That's so cliche. You can NOT wear that."

"What do you mean. I can wear it. I need to look cool!" I decided that I wanted to call my best friend, Marcus, for his opinion.

"What are you doing?" Jessica always gets fussy when I pick up my phone.

"Bruh, chill. I am just calling Marcus for his opinion." I try to calm Jess down whenever I can. She must be on her period or something.

"So MY opinion doesn't matter?" She was completely overreacting.

Ring ring....

I decided to call Marc anyways. He's been my best friend since diapers. He is always there for me. Every time i need him in any situation he helps me. One time, in 7th grade, I asked out Katie Emerson and she rejected me so I just stood there, and Marc came in and told me he needed me. He got me out of the toughest situations.

"Marc, I need your opinion." I spoke with a confident voice, expressing to Jess that I was not scared of her. I put Marc on speaker.

What is it?

"Letterman or stripes?" I asked. 

Letterman, duh! Don't you want to seem cool to all the hotties? I heard the upperclassmen are THIRSTY for us freshman this year.

Jessica did not look happy at all. She stared at me with a different kind of intensity. The kind that makes you feel... well, small. And oh boy did I feel small.

"Dude i'm with my girl right now. Don't say stuff like that."

Oh crap, sorry man. I meant for me. You still should go with letterman though. Looks best on you.

"Alright bro. I got to go now, see ya!" I was in a rush to hang up. Just being in the same room with Jess was making me fear for my life. I decided on the letterman jacket with light blue, slightly ripped jeans. I've been working out this summer, so I have "abs". I'm going to wear a tight shirt so that people can see them.

"Ugh, if I'm not home within the next 20 minutes my dad is going to kill me." Jess looked upset. She got up and put her shoes on.

"Babe, I thought you said 20 minutes?" I was confused.

"Well you obviously don't care about my opinion and don't want me here, so I am going to just leave now. I'll see you tomorrow. Or I won't." She left my house and started walking home.

Two hours later, I hear a knock on my door. I get up and look out the window. It's Marc. Noone is home except for me so I answered the door.

"What are you doing here?" I look at Marc as he looks hopeless.

"Uhm, well a few minutes after you called me, my stepdad came home drunk. He started yelling really loud at my mom and then he came up to my room and threw my shoes at me. He told me to get up and leave because he was 'too tired' to deal with me. I'm sorry I just came here out of the blue, I just had nowhere else to go." He had tears in his eyes as I gestured him to come in.

"Of course, you can come here whenever you need. I am here for you bud. Hey, we even have the house to ourselves since my mom and dad are on that trip to New Hampshire to see my grandparents." My brother was off with his girlfriend, as always.

Marc came inside and we sat down on the couch. I decided to just pull up Hulu and have him pick something."Here, you pick a movie. I'll go make us some popcorn." I got up and noticed that he took his shirt off. He comes over all the time so he's pretty comfortable here. We're both in 9th grade. About halfway through the movie he moves closer to me and rests his head on my shoulder. I felt different. My body was shaking and my heart was pumping faster. I just decided to put my arm around his neck for support. All fine with me, I enjoy cuddles, no matter who it's with. He was awake, and kept looking up at me. I didn't know what to do so I just smiled. His hand got closer and closer to mine, and as he touched my hand my heart must have been going 2000 beats a second. Something changed in me. I felt completely different. This had never happened before with him, he's my best friend.

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