~Please wake up~IXX

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As Roy galloped past, he saw a bit of unusual red mixed in with the sight of a tree.

He gasped and thought straight away it was Ed's coat.

Roy backed up the horse. "Stay there, girl." He said to the mare (In case you did not know, a mare is another name for an adult female horse. you're welcome ;3) as he trudged down the dry path, he found A certain pony, bending it's neck down to Ed's level, licking his face, in hope that the young male would awaken soon.

Roy approached the unconscious teen who was laying on his side, facing away from Mustang.

"ED!!" He shouted fearfully as he turned the blond to face the sky and shook his shoulder gently, remembering the child was only small. (author: *snickers* Oh wow.. small jokes never get old!! 😆😂).

Ed's breathing was heavy and slow. The boy had a fever of 120 degrees!! Ed wouldn't wake up and that worried Roy, it worried Roy a lot. He stroked the pony to calm down a bit.

He carefully scooped up the blond and walked back up to his horse.

Roy placed Ed in his lap, gently supporting the chibi alchemist in his arms. Once they managed to get on the horsey. (hahaha 'horsey' is childish, but I just thought I'd use it anyway to lighten the suspense!! 😛☺️)

As they galloped back to where Roy was earlier, The raven couldn't help but listen to Ed's cute light snoring on the way.

Roy arrived at another, maybe even bigger boulder than before and decided to stop there.

The sun was almost fully set and the cold was on the rise.

Roy got off his horse and gathered his and Ed's pony that kindly followed along the way.

Both the horses looked tired and thirsty. Roy didn't have any water left, but he didn't know if Ed still had some.

The colonel placed the fragile boy down, resting upon a rock but yes, he was still asleep.

Roy checked Ed for his drink bottle, luckily he found it, but alas it was empty.

'Oh of course, that's why he passed out.' Roy thought, putting Ed's drink bottle back beside the teen.

He leaned in to hug Ed and embraced him lovingly. "Please wake up soon Ed." He whispered in the blond's ear, using that rare tone of care and concern.

It got dark and Roy had lit a small fire to keep the little one warm as well as himself too.

Roy had sat beside the sleeping fullmetal and brought him up to his arms, so he could cradle Edward like you would do with a newborn baby.

Smiled down at him and started talking to him, but of course Ed never replied.

"Y'know Fullmetal, I'm starting to get hungry as well. Just wait one more day, we're almost there and Hughes will be there to give us supplies and food."

Roy stroked the boy's gold bangs as if he was a a cat.

As the hours went by, Roy fell asleep and the fire in front of them.

(OH MY GAAAWWD CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT SCENE RIGHT THERE. SO KAWAAAAAIIIII!!!!!!! *squee!!!* *does laps around classroom* other ppl be like: The fuck is she on??? me: *approaches ppl slowly and pulls creepy smile* EVERYTHING. *goes home and does fan arts* :33)

The sun rose.

Roy opened his eyes to the neighs of the horses.

He felt something warm around his crotch area, blushed and looked down to find a sleeping Edward, sound asleep and did he look cute. Yes VERY cute indeed. 😺💙❤️💙❤️

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