Tutor sessions

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I really want to reply to your comments and vote for your stories but I can't. It says that I have to activate my account and that it sent the activation email to do so but it NEVER does! Anyway, hope you enjoy!!

Word about Tom and Katherine's breakup spread like wildfire around the school. The girls were up and after Tom again but Katherine didn't mind... That much. Katherine had taken into notice that her friends had been becoming even more scared of Tom. They had black bags under their eyes and their skin had been turning a bit greyish.

Katherine sat at her usual desk in arithmancy, Tom sat a couple desks in front of her. She watched as a girl tapped Tom on the shoulder and whispered something to him, Tom nodded and handed the girl a quill.

She asked for a quill? This is arithmancy, of course you would need to bring a quill! How stupid can she be?... Is she prettier than me? Oh my god, I think she is prettier than me. That... That... Slut! (Sorry for the language)

Katherine could feel jealously flowing through her but she immediately dismissed it. She couldn't be jealous, not after what happened. Katherine looked past Tom and at the board, all she saw was random lines accompanied by numbers.

The class was soon dismissed and the students began piling out. "Miss Sloan" the professor called out.

Katherine turned and walked to the front desk "yes professor?"

"For some strange reason you're grades have been going down, the marks on your recent test were quite... tremendous." The professor informed.

"Oh..." Katherine said, she had a feeling she knew where this was going.

"So I have found you a tutor. Mr. Riddle will be tutoring you every second day, starting today from 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock in this classroom."

"Is there anyone else to tutor me?" Katherine asked.

"Miss Sloan, Mr, Riddle is taking his time out of his schedule to help you. You WILL be attending theses sessions, is that clear?" The professor said in a serious voice.

"Yes professor" Katherine said, defeated.

"Good, you may leave"

Katherine trudged out of the classroom and to her next class.
She arrived at divination and took a seat at a table with Ophelia. The professor in this class had left and was replaced by an old grouchy man who yelled a lot, professor Snare. This professor wasn't easily fooled my false predictions from the students so Tom easily was one of his least liked students and Katherine was his favourite.

When the class ended and Snare called Tom and Katherine to his desk.

"Yes professor?" Tom asked politely.

"Never in all my years have I seen a student so terrible at divination! I don't see why all the professors talk about you so highly, you are just horrid." Snare began.

Katherine let out a little snicker. Tom clenched his fists but kept a straight face.

"Miss Sloan here is a prodigy, never in all my years have I seen a student this talented! Therefore, she will be your tutor."

"What!" Tom yelled, losing his cool.

"Keep your voice down boy! The sessions will take place every second day, starting tomorrow in this room from 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock." Snare said.

"But sir-" Katherine began.

"My decision has been made, you WILL tutor Mr. Riddle and you Mr. Riddle WILL attend these sessions. Is that clear?"

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