chapter 1 last breath

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"Well... this sucks..." You said to yourself. You're body cold and wet from the rain. It happened so suddenly. Long story short.. You crashed you're car and fell into a ditch. "H-heh.. I guess.. it's my time" you take you're final breath and all you see is darkness and no light.. then all of sudden you hear a high pitched scream and you feel as if you were falling and keep falling Until you feel hot and you hear nothing but screams and touture. You land on the ground transforming into a demon. You body becomes hot and you feel uncomfortable, you scream in agony as you're inner demon becomes a reality, horns grow from out of you're head and you feel you're skin change to a more dark blue shade. After all that.. you feel as if you given up on the good side of yourself and passout.

"H..he'll...o...?" A voice.. you hear a voice calling to you. You open you're eyes slowly you're eyes blurry from the landing. You see a young woman with blond hair pale skin red checks and a ref tux with a black tie. You try to stand but wabble on you're new legs.. "huh I have...hooves...?" you're thought to yourself. She looks at you with a smile and helps you out. "Where am I..?" You said to to the stranger "well you're in hell!! Welcome! So glad to meet you!!" She said with voice of optimism. You struggle to stand as she walks beside you "wh.. what..? Hell? I knew I was bad but I didn't kill anybody!" She chuckled and faced you "Everyone goes to hell for anything that is sinfull.." she tells you with a small smile on her face. She perks up and looks at you "so what's you're name buddy?" She said with yet again, optimism. You sigh and tell her you're name " (Y/N)... " She smiles with glow of excitement on her face "well nice to meet you (Y/N)!! Trust me, where we're going you're gonna love it!!" You walk with a face of dumbfounded confusion.

As you two walk from not even that far where you passout, and landed. You see a talk building. The name on the very top "...hazbin hotel?" The girl nodded and smiled " yep! Well, it was called happy hotel but we decided to give it a new name thanks to Alistair" you look at her confused wondering what she meant " who's Alistair?" You ask. She answered with yet another smile " he's one of the employees that insists me with my project! Hence the name of our hotel!" After she told you. You remembered that she hasn't told you her name. "Uhhh I didn't catch you name btw" she stopped and gasped " oh shoot I forget tell you!! I'm Charlie! Princess of hell! Nice to meet you!! . . . Again!" You laugh a little. As you two were walking towards the door, she lets go of you for a second and opens it then you hobble to the door and she closes it behind you. You look around and you see alot of dark shades of red and black. She walks you to the reception desk and then she walk around it to get to the draws. she pulls out a form and a pen "now I'm gonna to have to ask you a few questions so I could check you in!" You nod you're head with smile. "Okay! so, name, cause of death, and birthday!" She asks "(Y/N). Car crash, (you're irl birthday)" she nods and smiles and stamps you're form. " Okay great! All done! It's so great to have you here! You're gonna love it!!" With all that happy energy you couldn't believe yourself that she's a demon. "Thank you.. I really appreciate it.." she nods and walks you to the elevator " okay so you're room number is 890! On the Top floor!"

As you walk into the elevator Charlie waves with smile "thank you for coming here.." she said as soon before the elevator doors close. With a smile on you're face you stand there waiting for you're floor level.. you hear a loud ding and the doors open. You walk out the elevator and try to find you're room. You see the door with the number 890. But you realise you don't have key.. look around and then suddenly you feel a hand on you're shoulder and jump 3 feet and look behind you. You see a talk man with a red and black striped tuxedo, a Cain with a radio microphone on top of it, wearing black polished shoes and and a tie. he looks towards you with a giant smile "hellooo! Pleasure to meet you young man!" You stand there out of fear but you try and stay strong. " Uhm.. h-hi.. (Y/N).. nice to meet you uhh.." he smiles and grabs you're hand and shakes it "Alistair Darling! You look absolutely astonishing young man, tell me is this you're key?" You look in his other hand and see you're keys to you're room. You're eyes widen and he hands you you're keys. As you take the keys he lets go of the handshake and bows politely " thank you.." you said to him. His smile widen from ear to ear and nods " you're very most welcome my boy!" You put the key in the keyhole and open you're door. Without hesitation you're eyes widen by the looks of you're room.. "ahhhh I see you're got the business ensuite room! You're very lucky to get this. Not many demons can afford this room.. let's hope that you keep in clean young man!" He laughs poshfully and walks away. You walk in and close the door behind you. The room was covered in giant glass windows with dark red curtains the red to the floor. A king sized bed almost representing royality. You sigh and fall on the bed, tired by the long day you had.

A Demons Love. A Hazbin Hotel (Husk X Male Reader) 18+ StoryWhere stories live. Discover now