Part 24 - We love You Ted

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Kendall's POV: 

I was woken up by loud shouting between Noah and my father. I rubbed my sore eyes to realize why I had been crying, and instantly wanted to cry more. I didn't, though. I didn't want to show anymore weakness towards my father than I already had. 

"You think you're smart and for what reason exactly?!" My father yells at Noah. "Because I did something years ago you'll never know." Noah snickers. "Shut the fuck up! Or i'll kill you on the spot!" He yells back. 

I look over at Nash and and Cameron to see their facial expressions just as confused as mine. "What's going on?" I ask Nash. He shrugs. "They have been yelling for a while now." He paused. "They know each other, you know?" I nod. "I know. He knew my mother which is why I know he's a good person." I say proudly. 

"You'll die in here." My dad taunts Noah. "You'll die long before I will." Noah teases back. "And how do you suppose that?" My father argues back. "Why do you think the cops showed up to the motel that day you were arrested? Do you really think it was a coincidence?" 

My fathers eyes lit up with anger. 

"What are you implying?" He spits at Noah. "I called them you fool. It was me who got you arrested. It's me who saved Kendall, and it's because of me that you are here right now still trying to seek this revenge you've been seeking for the past years! It's all because of me and I hope once you die, you burn in hell." 

My father quickly pulled out a gun and rushed Noah out of his cell. Nash panicked. "Nash it's okay. Don't worry." I try to calm him. "No, Kendall, Noah would die for us." Nash sighs. 

"Get to the ground!" My father yells at Noah as he points the gun to the back of his head. "Any last words?" My father spit, but Noah said nothing. He was silent and I had no idea why. Didn't he have any last wise words for Nash? Was this the last of his plans? Was he supposed to die, and us follow? Our last hope was Noah and he was about to die. 

"Stop!" A familiar voice yells and we all turn. 



Ted came running with a gun in his hand and pointed it straight to my father. My father immediately turned to Ted pointing his gun back. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "These are my friends." Ted answers. "Goodbye Ted." My father says. 

"Ted stop!" I yell. "You don't have to do this! Just listen to him! Don't do this." I cry out to him. "It's okay." Ted whispers. "I am doing this for you." "No, Ted please don't do this. It's me who is supposed to die, not you." I cry. 

"Kendall, just do me one last favor." Ted says. I shake my head. "No, Ted. You're not dying. Now step back from my father and go back to your post." "It's too late." He replies. 

"Please watch after my son once this is all over. I did all of this for him, and please let him live his life." Ted begins to cry. "Ted, please." I cry. "Do it Kendall." He pleads. 

"I promise, I promise." I cry out realizing Ted won't change his mind and theres absolutely nothing I can do about it. 

"I am sorry I ever participated in any of this." Ted apologizes. "Don't apologize to me, you had no choice." I whisper to him as the tears flow down my face. 

"Are you two done?" My father shouts. "Well, you better be." 

And before either of us could say a thing, he shoots Ted. 

"No!" I scream as I watch Ted collapse to the ground. "No!" I sob into the floor. 

Noah gets off of the ground and kicks my father right in the chest. They both fall to the ground and begin to beat each other. "You son of a bitch!" Noah yells as he continues to kick.

Another gun shot goes off.

I look up from my head cupped into my hands to see Cam and Nash crying. 

Was it over? Was my father dead? 

I look up and....

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