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Hadrian James Potter.
A very complicated boy indeed.
It was Hadrians 7th year in hogwarts. All Harry had done so far was read. Harry hated Dumbledore and the order almost as much as he hated Severus Snape.
But normally he hated the light more than he could ever hate Voldemort.
Speaking of the snake like man.
Thinking about me Potter?
Fuck off snake lord.
Harry grabbed his head in pain and annoyance. Voldemort's voice had gotten louder in Harry's head and his scar often burned at the interaction. Not that Harry minded all that much. Seeing as the only man who never lied to him was the damn dark lord. Harry hated lies being told to him. And that's all the light had managed to tell him.
Harry was at the moment, sitting at the gryffindor table at the end picking at his dinner. It was only the first day of 7th year and Harry was already done with everyone.
He had been ignoring Ronald and Hermione for two years. Though they acted as if they were still friends with him. Harry had somehow managed to sorta befriend Draco Malfoy no matter how odd it was.
Harry had barely picked at his dinner when he stood up, ready to leave.
"Harry my boy!" Dumbledore shouted out at him, heading his way.
Harry inwardly groaned and secretly rolled his eyes. He didn't want to deal with the light lord. Not now. Not ever.
Join me and I'll grant that wish.
Shut up or I might take you up on that offer.
Harry considered Voldemort's voice in his head sort of as a friend almost.
At least when telling Harry something Voldemort made it clear to Harry that he still wanted him dead.
Harry turned around, coming back to reality to greet the light wizard with a forced and fake smile.
"Professor. Was there something you needed?"
Harry sounded way too formal. Too much time with Draco and Voldemort. He thought how comical that sentence was and almost chuckled. Almost.
"I was wondering if you could come to a meeting in my office?" Dumbledore said. Dumbledore was faking the formality to Harry because they were in front of others. Behind closed doors he showed his concern and hate for Harry.
Harry didn't bother with the act most the time either.
The boy nodded, following the light lord into his office for a 'meeting' as he called it. Which basically meant he needed something most likely,
The two went In and sat down.
"Lemon drop?" Dumbledore asked politely as the door was still open.
Harry quickly wordlessly and wandlessly, closed the door.
"Alright old man, what do you want? Because I know we aren't here to discuss my health for eating lemon drops like you scarf them down, Professor."
Harry had immediately quite the act. Though the light lord had a look of annoyance, that stupid fucking twinkle never left his eyes.
"I'll cut to the chase my boy. I need you to be the nice gryffindor golden boy tomorrow. Fudge is coming in for a visit. We want him on our side. Got it brat?"
Choose your next words carefully.
"Oh I do old man. I'll play you're perfect hero under one condition." He replied still acting polite.
"Oh here we go again. I knew there was a catch." Remus lupin, who had been watching from the corner next to Severus Snape, Minerva mcgonagall, and alastor moody, had all been hiding. Though Harry knew they were there anyway so it did then no favor.
"I'll be you're hero if you grant me permission for the restricted section of the school library."
Harry smirked at the frustration he saw on everyone's face.
"And if we say no?" Snape asked, eyeing the intelligent, cunning, boy who he actually admired and thought could have been the perfect slytherin.
"I act as I normally do and ruin you're chances for a light alliance." The Potter heir smirked when everyone looked at him with slight anger and much frustration.
"Fine." Dumbledore stated.
"I shall take my leave now. I'm certainly overdue for a bath." Harry stood up and was almost out the door when Dumbledore stopped him.
"There are no bathtubs in the boys dorm."
Harry smirked.
"Oh I know. Can we please do something to fix that?" Than he gracefully walked back to his dorm, after achieving that bath in Salazar Slytherins personal bath chamber down in the chamber of secrets.
Harry laid his head down, looking forward to the terrible night terrors soon to come.
But all he heard was that nice silky smooth voice again.
Sleep Harry. Good night little serpent. You need you're rest.
Harry had two thoughts in mind. One when he closed his eyes was that Voldemort called him Harry, not Potter.
And one in the morning.
Harry had no nightmares on that beautiful September night.

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