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The day had been extremely..interesting.
The sentence Harry had made to Tom had him ravishing him for the second time.
The two decided the raid of Azkaban would be the next day and they were extremely content with how they planned it. The two were enjoying lunch and Harry noticed Tom kept looking at him.
"What's wrong?" He had asked.
"I'm..not very easy to love you know..I'm a very complicated man."
Harry laughed.
"Is that you're bother?" Tom nodded and Harry laughed again. "Love, I'm probably worse."
Draco walked into the room.
He was Harry's friend so no one payed him much mind when he hung around all the time.
"He's right you know?" Draco questioned Voldemort, who only shook his head in reply.
Draco and Harry laughed.
"Love, I'm not perfect. Sometimes I get angry and I ignore everyone. I steal the covers, I get jealous easy, sometimes I don't brush my hair or get dressed up, and I have scars because I have a past. Either I want all you're attention or I don't want any, and if you don't hold me or touch me when I want I'll get pissed off. And I growl whenever someone touches something I love. So tell me darlin, who's worse?"
Voldemort laughed.
"I suppose us both then."
They all laughed at how ridiculous they were.
Voldemort smiled, only a little as he realized Harry could be his forever.
He didn't know if they boy wanted to be, but Voldemort knew he'd always want him.
And Harry, unknown to Tom, would always want him too.
After all, darkness breeds darkness, and they were bound to create more chaos as time went on.
Harry would often wonder if their children would create chaos, just as they would.

                             The end   

Thanks so much for reading! Remember to vote, comment, and follow me!!!! Please? Lol thanks!!
Check out my Harry Potter one shots!
As well as 'Deal' I think you'll find more interesting.
Well, peace. Thanks for putting up with my bullshit! Might make a sequel.
Love, the bitch obsessed with Harry Potter.

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