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"Maria! Wake up, it's time to go to school." My room-mate, Valarie, yells.
"God, you didn't have to yell that loud. I'll make breakfast." I say, getting out of the bed covers. First day back after winter break, isn't that fun! It's still snowing like a bitch over here. But will we ever get a snow day? That's something that we'll never find out! I head to the kitchen to make some pancakes for Valarie. I've been living with her since my parents left to Brazil without me. Val has been my best friend for, how many years now? Maybe fifteen? Who knows. I feel her hug me from behind.
"Is it almost done?" She says, looking over my shoulder.
"Yeah, just a few more seconds." I say, finishing up the pancakes and putting them on plates for both Val and I. We sit down and eat.
"So, you coming to that party later tonight?" She asks me. Party. I've went to a party once in my life, and Gods did I regret it. I might've started a giant fight, got punched in the face, then punched a guy in the face harder. That was four years ago.
"Probably not. Remember what happened at that one party during seventh grade?" I giggle.
"That one guy got his jaw and nose broken. You did quite a deal, Maria." Val says, looking at me with her hand on her face.
I get changed into my school uniform, yes, we have uniforms, put on my I.D and grab my bag. "Come on, Val! I'm not leaving without you." I yell.
"My Gods, I'm coming." She says, picking up her bag.
We walk out of our dorm room.
"Yo! It's Maria and Valarie!" Our friend, Alexia, says coming down the hall to greet us. We walk and chat with her to campus. "This is my first period, I'll see you two at the party?" Alexia asks.
"Me? Of course. Maria? Probably not. She'll punch someone in the face." Val says, giggling.
"Hey! That's not a laughing matter! Bitch harassed me." We all laugh. "Okay, bye Alexia!" We walk away.
Val and I head to class talking.
"Please come to the party. We're older now. Things change, Maria." She says, grabbing my hand.
"Yeah, things change. But we're seniors now. People are gonna be fucking overdosing. It's a senior party, Val. What else would you fucking expect?" I say, walking into my first period. Great, now I feel bad for snapping at Val. Gods, now she's probably upset. Now I'm doing math work, worried about people who'll come across upset Valarie.
First period passes. Second period is up, which is biology. I sit next to Val in that class. I pack up and leave first period. As I'm walking to my next class, people are getting pushed around. That always happens. I make it to biology alive, alive enough to see Val walk through the door, sniffling. Did I do that? I run up and hug her.
"I'm sorry, Valarie. I-I didn't mean to snap like that." I say, holding her close to me.
"It's okay. You can choose to go to the party or not. I wont force you."
End of school day
I walk back to the dorm room. I need an outfit for later.
I start planning outfits. I'm definitely not wearing a dress. Maybe just the casual Hawaiian shirt I have with jeans.
I lay down on my bed. This parties gonna be hell. Why am I going? Maybe just to prove my point to Valarie? Whatever. It's happening.
It's six-o'clock. I have to start getting dressed if I wanna be there. Val's already at the party.
I change out of my school clothes and put on my jeans and the Hawaiian shirt I picked out. I put a belt on the jeans and put on a shark tooth necklace. I grab my phone and head out the door. I see Alexis.
"Maria? What are you doing?" She asks me.
"Going to the party." I reply, walking away.
"Party!?" She yells. "I might as well come with you, since we're both late."
"Fine. Let's go." I say, walking down the hall with Alexis.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. I regret everything. Theres too many people. Gotta find Valarie.
Everyone goes quiet. I hear slight "who's that" and "why is she here"'s. Gods, lets pray I don't gut someone this time. I pass by a small living room area, to immediately hear, "Maria!" in a familiar voice.
"Valarie!" I yell, walking to her.
"You actually came, I'm surprised." Val says, getting up to hug me. We sit down on a couch, which is oddly tattered.
"You gonna introduce us, Valar?" A guy in a blue plaid shirt says, pointing at me.
"Oh, everyone, this is Maria, my best friend since we were babies." She says, smiling.
I hear scattered "hi Maria's." I reply, "Yo."
"So do you wanna join our game?" Plaid Man says.
"Game? What're y'all playing?" I say.
"Seven minutes in heaven. A classic among parties." He says, smirking.
"I'll join. I'm into games like this." No I'm not. I really am not. I'm a lesbian. There are like, five guys here and four girls. Why do I say shit I can't take back.
"Alright, you have the honors, Miss Maria." Plaid Man says.
I spin a rackety bottle on the table. Gods, please let it land on one of the girls. If I-
Are you serious? It landed on Valarie. Oh my Gods.
"Welp, you two, head to the extra room to the left. Have fun!" He says, pointing to an opened door. I stand up. Valarie drags me to the side room.
"Do you actually wanna do this?" She asks.
"Would you be mad if I said yes?" I reply.
"Not in the slightest." Valarie says, getting closer to me. I take off my glasses and unbutton my Hawaiian shirt and kiss Val.
She's a good kisser. This can't be happening. I mean, it's just a game right? My thoughts are stopped as she runs her hands up my unbuttoned shirt to unhook my bra. She gropes my chest as we get closer to the bed.
"Shit. Lock the door." She says, as. footsteps approach. I run over to lock the door. I hear someone try to open it.
"Damn it, it's locked. Someone must be in there."
I sigh. I head back to Val on the bed.
"Continue?" I say.
"Yeah." She replies. I get on her lap and kiss her. Her shirt is too tight for me to get through. She takes it off during an interlude. We continue as I search for her bra hook. I take it off and grab her breasts to play with them. I bite her neck as she pulls me closer towards her, as she does the same. She lets out a soft moan each time I bite her neck. How cute to have a soft moan like that.
I hear constant knocks. How long have those been going on for? Who cares.
"Keep going," Val says, through moans. "the time limit doesn't matter anymore." She says, pulling off my Hawaiian shirt, which was still on, unlike my bra. I gulp, as I reach down to her pants. I slowly take her low waisted grey jeans off of her, to reveal her wet underwear.
The bangs on the door become louder. I hear someone yell,"It's been like twenty minutes! Get your asses out here!"
"Great, I think we actually have to get out now." Val says, sitting up and pulling up her pants. "Let's go home and finish up."
I grab my bra and button up my shirt, without putting on the bra. I wait for Val to finish putting her bra and tight shirt back on. We walk out to see Plaid Man and some other people with angry looks.
"We wanted to continue the game." He says through his teeth.
I pull my hair out of my Hawaiian shirt and say, "You could've, if you weren't such pussies." and walk away. Val comes along with me.
"How did you even get here? Did someone drive you?" Val asks, knowing I don't have my drivers license.
"I skated over here with Alexis. Now that I think about it, I just ditched her. I'll text her back soon." I say, grabbing my roughed up skateboard from the ground. "How about you?" I ask. Val has her license, but doesn't have a car.
"I biked over here, like usual." She says.
"Let's go." I say, putting down my skateboard.
Val grabs her foam colored BMX bike and gets on it. We both start heading to the dorm rooms.
"Agh, it's cold! I should have put on my bra, or brought a sweater." I say, shivering while my short, dark brown hair flows in the wind as I'm riding on my skateboard.
"You're right, it is oddly cold, don't freeze your tits off there!" She says, giggling.
"Who's party was that anyways?" I ask.
"Darrel's. That one really popular senior who picks fights for no reason." She says, hesitantly.
"Darrel, that name seems familiar." I reply. It really does though. Darrel. "Holy fucking shit." I say out loud, accidentally. "That's the guy who's jaw and nose I broke in seventh grade!"
"Oh shit, seriously?" She says, laughing.
"Yeah! I basically got sexually harassed by him." I say.
"Whoops, took you to a party from your former abuser!" She says, parking her bike in the lock area.
We walk into the dorm room. It's a little too early to leave the party, so there are not many people left in the dorms.
Now that I think of it, when we were in the bedroom, it was until then I realized, Val had a D-cup. Like, I'm not one to look at peoples chests, but how could I not during that time? How had I not noticed since now.
"Maria? Your face is red." Val says, putting her hand on my face.
"Yeah," I say, dragging my skateboard behind me. "I'm good!"
We reach our room on the third floor. We unlock the door, and as always, the place is clean as hell. Not my doing. I put my skateboard in the corner of my side of the room and sit on my bed. Val walks into the room as well.
"You wanna continue?" She says, tugging at the bottom of her shirt, her face bright red.
"I'm down." I say, unbuttoning my Hawaiian shirt. She sits on my bed and kisses me. We break contact for her to take off her shirt. Once again, I unhook her bra and play with her breasts. She begins to softly moan as I play with them. I begin to suck on her shoulder. She moans a little louder.
I pull down her jeans to see her underwear, wetter than before. Was that a result of a slight tease? Does that even count as teasing? Who cares. I pull down her underwear as my hands roam her thighs and her core. I slowly slide one finger inside of Val, causing her to moan. I move in and out of her, which makes her moan louder.
I hear a bang on the wall, followed by a loud, "Shut up!"
I sigh. "We never can do this without getting interrupted." I say, getting off of her.
I change into a sweatshirt and some sweatpants to sleep. Valarie changes into her normal big t-shirt to sleep.
Valarie falls asleep on her pastel colored bed.
Today, was interesting. I went to a party after four years of not going to one. Played a game, which required me to fuck my best friend. Which I did. Twice. And do I regret it? Not at all.

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