Chapter 1

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Author edit: I'm re reading this and it's shit.... sorry for mah badness at writing oof enjoy for da human who be reading it now

Draco's POV

The war is over, you know who is gone my father is in court under trial of being a death eater and my mother and I are under house arrest but I have an opportunity to go back to Hogwarts to do an eighth year well more like repeat year 7 because of all that happened.  With the trials, my father says he only did it under the imperious curse so far the ministry seems to be buying. Secretly I don't want him to come home because he will continue to abuse me.

Harry's POV

I have changed after the war, my nightmares are getting worse and Ron and 'Mione have convinced me to do the eighth year in Hogwarts, I Have already selected my classes and now preparing myself to go in public after killing Voldemort I am going to be even more famous so it will be an interesting year to say the least.

Before it was to late we went to diagonal alley to buy books and some new robes I also bought some sweets, while we were there I saw malfoy with a ministry guard with him, looked like he had chosen to go back to, I don't think any one else saw him though, he looked so tired and sad he was also thinner and paler then the last time we saw each other, I thought nothing of it and just went about buying whatever was necessary for me to do this extra year.

A few days later and me hermione, Ron and the rest of the weasley family were packing the new magic car mr. weasley got so we could go back to Hogwarts, then we started the not to long drive to kings cross

"I heard that the castle had been enchanted to look the way it used to and they added two new dorms for eighth years." Hemline stated in a mater of fact-ly way " only two?" Ron questioned with shock on his face, "yes Ronald, also and griffendor are supposed to share" hemione said With an annoyed tone, me and Ron sat in the car silently, both of us supposed though Ron looked angry and I did not, The rest of the car trip was just standard small talk but I kept quiet, for some reason I kept thinking of malfoy and I felt bad for him. Wait what? What am I thinking?! 

{at kings cross- car park}

We all got our trunks out and made our way to the barrier, we all quietly slipped through the wall onto platform 9 and 3 quarters and there before us stood the Hogwarts express  pouring steam onto the platform where witches and wizards either parents saying their goodbyes or children boarding the train. We said goodbye and went to an empty compartment on the train, on the way to said empty compartment I saw malfoy sitting on the train alone he looked so sad and tired, when malfoy noticed me looking at him, unlike normal reaction, there came no poisoned laced 'pottah' just a shy and slightly uncomfortable shift of position, when they arrived in the compartment the small talk continued.

Hours later they arrived at the hogsmeade station and boarded a carnage pulled by thestrals and soon arrived at the magnificent castle that is Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry, they took a seat at the griffendor table, then professor mcgonagall came to the stand to start the years sorting ceremony then after that she came up to the podium and give the start of year speech which, near the start, went through the new staff additions and changes, the only things that changed were that she was the new head mistress, professor slug horn took potions and some new teacher applied for the job known as professor Rosenberg, they were the only manger changes then the feast begun. After the feast the 8th year students were taken to their new dorms, their beds had already been assigned their beds, Harry's bed was a four poster in the back left corner of the room and he was next to... Malfoy great I have to spend more time near that bit, not to mention I have almost all of my classes with slitheren.  

Later we all had a shower got into our pyjamas and started go to sleep. 

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