Until the Morning Comes

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FYI: This takes place pretty much at the beginning of Shippuden and has strong sexual content. The word count is 11429, which is pretty lengthy. Anyways, enjoy. ;)


Darkness. Darkness was all you could see at the particular moment. It didn't take long for you to realize your situation. Everything around you, no matter how wide your eyes opened, everything remained pitch black and you soon realized why. It became clear that you were blind folded and the moment that you attempted even the slightest movement, you found that your arms were tied together behind your back and so were you feet. You were being held captive, you were sure of it.

The last thing you remembered was going on a mission with team 7: Kakashi, Naruto, Sai, Sakura, and team 10: Ino-Shika-Cho, with the help of Yamato. You remembered going off alone with Sakura and Ino during a break that your group took from traveling. The three of you were talking about random things and even though the topic of boys happened to come up, you made sure not to even mention Sasuke's name. It wasn't even like you were into him, you simply wanted to poke fun at them by bringing his name up, but you refrained, given the fact that you knew it was always a sore topic, especially for Sakura.

It was in the middle of this conversation when the three of you, within the blink of an eye, were attacked by three Akatsuki members. The attack was so abrupt and quick, but that's all you could remember. Three Akatsuki members came into your view and the next thing you knew, you woke up here, wherever you are, tied up and blindfolded, completely apprehended. You couldn't even remember which three Akatsuki members had taken you. It was all a blur.

You grunted as you tried to struggle and wiggle into a comfortable position. You were practically face down with your bottom towards the sky, a completely embarrassing position to be in. You kept struggling, until you fell onto your back, falling onto your clenched fists. You grunted at the pain of your fist pressing against your back, but now you couldn't unclench them due to the fact that you were on top of your hands.

"Fuck!" You shouted in frustration. You wiggled more until you simply fell over onto your side. You were on the brink of tears from your frustration. "H-hello?!" You grunted out, wiggling your hands, attempting to untie them from the rough, thick rope that bonded them together. "Is anybody there?!" You then grunted once again, both at the fact that the rope started to scratch against the skin on your wrist and at the fact that you were tied up. You were both pissed completely off afraid.

You let out a defeated whimper as tears started to fall from your eyes. You kept wiggling your wrist, attempting to somehow escape the bonds of the rope tied around them. It was honestly no use; the rope was too thick and rough against your skin. You'd probably end up burning your skin off before untying yourself.

"I'm starting to feel bad..perhaps we should at least take the blindfold off.." a somewhat deep, raspy voice spoke. There was no sympathy behind the tone of his words, but it was clear that they were mocking you, enjoying seeing you struggle even. An image appeared in your head, one that matched that voice perfectly.

"Kisame!" You angrily grunted out. You started to fidget around once again as you heard him chuckled. You knew that voice from dealing with Kisame before, during multiple missions a while back.

"Eh, chicks cry all the time." An unfamiliar voice spoke. You heard foot steps near closer to you and your body stiffened with anticipation and fear. You knew someone was coming near you and it wasn't a voice that you had heard once before. "The chick's fine and honestly...I feel like a pretty girl like her would make for a perfect sacrifice to Jashin.." You then felt two cold fingers lift your chin.


Instantly, you shot what was probably the biggest ball of spit towards the person. You weren't sure if it landed on them or not, until you felt the hardest, most painful smack to the face that you had ever felt. You yelped in pain, tears falling from your eyes as your head fell back to the cold ground.

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