Spain x Reader- Kingdom AU Thingy

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So, I know its been a long time since I've posted, but I have a good reason! I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but the only laptop I have at the moment is my school laptop which belongs to my school. Unfortunately, there's a lot of websites blocked on here, and Wattpad is one of them. Fortunately, though, I was just given a new one because of issues with the other, and right now I'm able to go on Wattpad! But I have no idea how long this is gonna last. I was able to post some things from my cousin's desktop, but I'm an awkward person and I'm just way more comfortable using my own computer. With that said, for some reason, my laptop never had Tumblr blocked . . . Which is weird, because I can say without a doubt that Tumblr is way worse when it comes to its content, but whatever. I was able to post this story there when I got a request and I'm pretty proud of it! I think it could be better . . . But I'll let you decide! Have fun reading! - JJ

Relationship Status- Romantic

Warnings- England being creepy, mentions of suicide, mentions of death by a sword, ya know, kingdom stuff.

Word count- 7,124

Today had to be the most terrible day in the life of _____ _______. It marks the end of her life as she knows it.

"You can't do this to me, Dad! I'm not an object you can just sell off!" Her father sighs and places his head on his hands.

"I'm not selling you off! Can't you just do as I ask?"

"As if I have the choice!"

"_____," Her mother speaks kindly, attempting to calm her daughter. "Please, you know why we're doing this! It's for your family, can't you just do it for us? So we could have a better life?" _____ scoffs.

"Give you a better life while mine is over? Whatever happened to us sticking together through thick and thin? That no matter what, we'd get through things together?" The young woman asks, tears streaming down her face.

"That was before the king threatened to take our farm! Without this land, our family will starve; your brothers and sisters will die! Please, _____ ... We're begging you!" Her father gets down on his knees, grasping the bottom of his daughter's dress and pleads for her cooperation. _____ rips her dress from his hands and runs out of the door and into the woods.

To think that her parents would even consider giving her away to save their farm! It's true that the girl's beauty had attracted many suitors, some offering more than just a healthy swine or a heard of bovine. Some offered money, buildings, and even other children for one of _____'s siblings, but every time her parents refused. They always said they would never sell the love of their daughter for the betterment of their lives.

But now that it's the king, their suddenly all too keen on giving away the hand of their daughter. True, the farm was threatened, but they have the means to leave! _____ knows her father has money stashed away for an emergency, and losing the farm and having to flee the kingdom seems like a perfect emergency to _____! But her parents are getting older ... And her siblings are too young to travel that far ...

Maybe she's being selfish? Leaning up against a tree, _____ stops to take a breath. Sobs rack through her body as she slides down to her knees and covers her eyes with her hands. She has no choice to comply with her parent's and king's wishes ... Even if she were to go on the run, disobeying the king would make her a fugitive, and Lord knows what he'd do to her family while she was gone.

"Hola! Are you okay?" A cheerful and concerned male voice startles her.

"Uh-um, I ... " The man before her is the most beautiful man she has ever seen. His short brown hair lays against his face perfectly, his olive-green eyes sparkle in the sunlight, and his smile somehow conveys both happiness and concern at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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