The Festival!

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––––——————––Blaise P.O.V.–—————————
I stumbled out the restroom and look around to find anyone else that could help me.
"Why can't the classrooms be more closer to each other? This is like a maze of hallways." I thought.
All of a sudden, I hear somebody shouting towards me.
"Blaise! What are you doing?"
I look to my right to see Rocco running towards me, with the tall guy thats on my floor.
"Oh, Hey Rocco."
I looked up at both him and his friend. Rocco looks me up and down, smirking gently, "You look lost.
Let me guess, Are you trying to figure out where your class is?"
I nodded slightly.
Without even asking, he picked up my schedule and started to read it. The other boy looked at me with a funny face.
"I think I've seen you before" He told me.
"Yeah, I think we live on the same floor."
"Oh ok. Well, by the way my name is Christian." "Mines Blaise."
"So are you new here?" He asked me.
"Yeah, Today is my first official school day here."
"Oh. well, if you ever need help with anything I'm always by."
"Thanks Christian." I smiled.
Rocco finishes reading my whole schedule and shoves it back in my hand.
"We have the same class right now, that's where me and Christian were headed, come with us." I followed behind them and went to Art Class.
They walk in and I look around to see a class full of kids. Different types of groups all around. The Emos, The cheerleaders, that are only doing art because its fun and some jocks that make fun of the Emos. I look over at the teacher who looked like he wanted to shoot himself any second of the day. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me. I see Rocco flicking his hand.
"Over here." He whispered.
I sit down next to him and see Christian on his left, playing subway surfers.
"That's Saruman, he's more of a silent type so the most you'll get out of him is his name or instructions, he is really smart."
He points to his right and I see the guy reading a book on school studies.
I lean over to him and try and greet him.
"Hi, I'm Blaise."
he continues to read, ignoring me.
I turn back around and look at Rocco to see him chewing on some cinnamon gum.
He leans closer towards me, making me smell the cinnamon.
"Do you want a piece?"
I nodded my head as he got out the gum. I tried to reach for it but instead, he unwrapped it.
"Open." he demanded. I proceeded to open my mouth without paying attention to what I was doing and stuffs the gum in my mouth.
Once I came back to realization, I lock eyes with him. I covered my face and look under my desk.
"Why did he do that?" I thought.
I pull out my phone and checked the time.
"23 minutes left..." I thought.
Christian looks over.
"Hey, want to go get some clay?" he asked.
"Yeah, sure."
I walk over with him to the clay box and grab some clay.
"So, Blaise..." Christian said.
"what happened with you and Rocco with the gum thing?"
"I thought you were playing subway surfers the whole time!" I told him, trying to turn it on him.
he grabbed the clay and remarked,
"I was playing subways surfers until, I saw Rocco shoves his fingers into your mouth. Are you okay?" "He thought Rocco was being mean." 
"Nah, it's nothing." I told him.
Even if it was something, how would I know? I haven't even been here for a full day.
I walk back to my desk and start to mold my clay. "Blaise, what are you making?" Rocco asked.
I showed him the little fat chicken I sculpted.
"Ew! What the hell..." Christian yelled out.
"What... is that?"
Christian picks it up and squishes it.
"No! Why'd you do that!"
Christian smirked at my pain and suffering.
I grabbed a piece of clay and threw it at him.
"Oh, we are not playing this game."
Christian laughed.
we went back and forth throwing clay at each other until, Mr. Armani, told us to stop. I gave Christian a death glare and packed up my stuff.  I hear the dismissal bell ring and get out from my seat. I walk around to find room 143. "Mhm... Christian is so mean..." I thought. I couldn't imagine how annoyed Rocco could be if he was with him 24/7. "
I look into the class and only see one familiar face,  Saruman. I walk up to him and sit next to him.
"Hey Saruman, I was in your last class."
He turns and looks at me dead in the eyes.
"I know, I just chose to ignore you and study."
he replied with a blank face.
"Damn it's going to be hard making friends with this guy." I thought.
I look at what he's reading and skim over the words. "Symptoms of Anger?"
It had felt like five minutes of my eyes fixated on his book and didn't realize him staring at me. As if he was analyzing my face.
"Uhm... Saruman.. What are you doing?"
He quickly turns his head back at his book. "Studying." he quietly whispers.
I take out my spiral and start writing down the chemistry notes. Saruman looks at my paper makes a funny face.
"Can I help you with your hand writing?" He asked. "Is it that bad?" I asked  glancing down at my notes. "Well, it's not... bad but it sure as hell isnt good."
"Here. Try copying this."
he wrote down my name and slid it on my side. I tried to copy the lettering but in the end, it looked like chicken scratch.
"Lets try something else. Try and trace over it with pen."
I grab the pen and trace over it but my shaky hands scribble over his perfect lines.
"Let me see your hand." Saruman demanded.
I stuck out my arms and he grabbed my hand. He held my hand on the pencil just like he holds it, then writes for me like a claw machine. It seemed much easier when Saruman helped so I didn't complain. The bell rang as we were just finishing up re-writing all the notes. I packed up my stuff and turned to Saruman.
"Thanks, maybe you can teach me how to improve my writing more often in class."
"Of course, it's not a problem" Saruman replied and we both went our separate way, walking to lunch.
As I walked into the lunchroom I see Gwyddien waving towards me. I walk over to him and take a seat,  Gwyddien shouts out,
"How were your classes??" he yelled out as he slurps on his Caparison. I glance at him saying
"It was okay."
"did you meet any friends?"
"Gwyddien, you're not my mom. why do you want to even know?"
"I just wanted to make sure your day went well."
he looked down.
"Uh huh..."
I nodded as I got up and went to the lunch line.
I see the arrange of foods and look to my right to see Rocco carefully choosing his lunch but, then skips the Pop Tarts.
"Why'd you skip the Pop Tarts?" I asked.
"I've never had them so I don't know if they're good."
I put the Pop Tart on my tray and open it. He takes a bite out of the small treat as I stuff the rest of it in my mouth.
"So, whatcha think?"
"Wow, They're good." he responded.
"Oh you have crumbs on your face." he carefully holds my chin up and uses his thumb to brush off the pop tart residue. Our eyes meet in a long gaze, my mind going blank, only focusing on him. I feel my cheeks warm up and I quickly bolt pass him. I sit In front of Gwyddien and try and forget what had happened. I breathed heavily as I sat there silently with the second Pop Tart in the wrapper.
"Gwyddien. Have you ever had a crush?"
"I don't know. If i did, I probably forgot." suddenly, he dropped his Caprisun and stared down Sirus.
"You think she's cute?" I asked him.
"Psh... No. If I did, i'd get beaten up by Christian." "Do you though? I won't tell him. Its not like i'm friends with him."
without hesitation, "She is so beautiful. she's so nice to me too. I have 6th period with her."
"Ooh... Looks like you have a little crush Gwyddien!" I yelled.
"Sh! Don't be so loud! Someone might hear you."
"Its fine, Nobody's listening." I split the Pop Tart and gave the half to him.
After I finished, I got up and went to go get ready for the festival. My heart started beating fast when i looked over at Rocco. I ran up the stairs to my floor and ran to my room. While trying to put the right keys in my lock, I hear somebody walking towards my direction. I look to my right to see Christian laughing at me trying to open my door in a hurry. "You look helpless."
He starts to laugh more but the laughs shortly stop after Sirus walks up to us.
She takes a glance at me and brushes me off.
"We should really go we are going to be late."
Christian waves bye to me and walks in the elevator with Sirus.
I walk into my dorm and change into clothing for the festival. I walk back downstairs into the lobby where I meet Christian, Rocco and Saruman.
"Damn you take forever to get ready."
Christian comments.
"Ok so the girls are out doing something and then we are left alone, we should go play laser tag!"
Rocco adds.
"Hell yeah."
Saruman said. We all walk out to the laser tag building and get our gear on.
"Okay pick teams!" Rocco tells us.
Rocco and I were blue team, Christian and Saruman were on red team.  I look to my right to see my competition. "fucking...giants." I thought.
I run behind a platform as I hear beams getting shot at people.
I see Rocco running across a wooden plank and I try to get up to him. I tripped on wood that was sticking out the ledge and face planted into the ground. BAM!

I open my eyes to see Rocco staring at me, holding my head up in the corner of the laser tag room. "Finally"
Rocco said. you blacked out once you face planted so I had to carry you all the way to a corner. He seem mad but he was smiling at the same time, I sat up and rubbed my head.
"Thanks for saving my ass, Rocco."
we both chuckled.
Rocco looked into my eyes again, and looked down at my lips and back to my eyes. My breath quickened and i stuttered trying to start up a conversation of some sort.
"We sure as hell can't let Christian and Saruman win."
he didn't respond.
"They already have most of are team out..." I nervously laughed.
He tucked back my hair to the back of my ear.
"Why are you so cute to look at? Everytime i'm with you, I can't get my eyes off of you."
He looked into my eyes and started getting closer to my face.
"Huh?" I stutter.
"Ever since I met you..." I gulped as he puts me on his lap, facing him. "You make me wanna..." He leans in closer, grabbing my head, slowlying closing my eyes and—

You're out

I quickly jump up to see Saruman with a blank face pointing his laser gun at us.
"Gotcha bitch."
we walk out and Christian was waiting for us.
"Haha! Losers take that 'L'."
we walk out the building and all think of what we could've done next. I look up at Rocco and see his eyes pierced on me as if we were still in that moment.

End of chapter 3

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