Kuroo X Kenma

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3rd POV

Kenma didn't know how he got a girlfriend but he did. They met through games, she had asked him out first and everyone in the club said he should say yes. The thing was he never felt attracted to anyone, well Kuroo was nice but they were best friends. He regretted listening to the team. The girl had taken up most of his time, and he had to actually show effort in caring. With Kuroo all he had to do was give him a pillow and lay down with him and he's good, but her? She needed to be texted every morning and night. She has to be called during any breaks and Kenma had to play games with her.

He used to play with Sho or with the other second years. Sometimes Lev or Kuroo, but nope she 'deserved all his time'. But heaven forbid Kenma have anxiety and be a nervous child in the calls. Kenma had planned to hangout with Kuroo one weekend when she decided to force Kenma to go to her friend's birthday party. It was the third time meeting and he never done well with crowds.

He had Kuroo on stand by if his anxiety got too much. When he arrived he was immediately engulfed in a hug, which he didn't like because he was also engulfed in a cloud of perfume. "Hey Ken, wait where's your gift?" Kenma looked to the side, he had recently bought the new game when he and Kuroo went to the mall. "I didn't really know what she liked. But I have a card and ten dollars. It's all I have right now, sorry." She pulled in to the living room and about fifteen other people were there. Most girls and some guys. "Oh who's that? Is that ApplePi?" Kenma just nodded. He felt his anxiety rise and he was tapping his fingers against he jeans. "His name is Kenma, he got you card." She nudged him a bit.

He moved to said person to hand them their card. He then sat down at the feet of his girlfriend since that was the only person he knew and the only open seat. "So Kenma what do you do in your free time? Yui said you play games but you do other stuff right?" Kenma anxiety just got worse, he went here just to stop the nagging from her but he didn't expect to be questioned. "I play volleyball, I'm the setter on my school's team." His voice was a bit louder only because he had to make sure they heard him but he kept his eyes on the ground.

"Volleyball? Isn't it that one game where you have to hit the ball over the net?" Kenma was about to respond when his phone went off. "Who's Lev? Is it a girl?" His girlfriend was looking at his phone, she had always been jealous of everything. "No, he's one of the first years on the team. He probably has a question about homework or wants to play." She grabbed his phone and answered it, it was on speaker and she glared at him to speak. "Hey Ken, me and the others were gonna get on. I also think shrimpy is gonna get on, so can you get on?" Kenma just sighed trying to calm his nerves, the room was silent except for his phone who had other voices. "Sorry can't, and stop calling Shoyou a shrimp. We both know he's better than you, also Kageyama might beat your ass again." Kenma could feel the glare at the back of his head, Yui never liked it when he cursed and he just brought up two unfamiliar names. "Awe man, I thought if he was brought up you would play. You like him even more than Kuroo."

Kenma wanted to hit Lev, he knows Kenma had a jealous girlfriend and he was with her right now. Why the hell would he say this. "C'mon Lev, we both know Kenma and Kuroo are practically married. Also Kuroo is wigging out cause you forgot your cube and PSP." Kenma's anxiety shot through the roof, he was gonna kill Lev and Yamamoto. "We both know Kuroo and I aren't married, he's just my childhood bestfriend." He heard laughing through the phone and a foot pressed against his back. "Anyways guys I h-have to go, tell Kuroo I-I'm fine."the line went dead before he got a response. "Who the hell is Kuroo? Your not gay are you?" Kenma stopped tapping fingers, he was now picking at them. "N-No he's just a f-friend. W-Where's the bathroom?" Someone said directions and he snatched his phone and tried to breathe. He was having a panic attack, he needed Kuroo. He heard murmurs as he left, he reached the bathroom and he immediately called his best friend.

T: Kenma!? Is everything okay?

K: Kuroo please come... p-pick me up.

He heard a door open and close and then a car start.

T: Hey where are you in the house?

K: B-Bathroom.

Kenma had a piece of toilet paper and was picking at it, when he did have panic attacks he figited with his hands. He heard the car turn off and the door shut.

T: Hey I'm hear do you want me to knock on the door?

K: Please I'll try and c-calm down e-enough.

He heard a bang and voices. He then heard a knock at the bathroom door. "Hey uh Kenma was it? Someone's here for you." He opened the door and brushed pass the guy who was at the door. Kuroo was in the doorway of the living room surrounded by some of the girls, he looked up to see Kenma and tried to shove passed the girls surrounding him. Yui had seen the facial expression Kuroo had made when he looked into the hall and assumed Kenma had stepped out of the bathroom. She stood up and walked out. If her boyfriend needed help she was going to help him.

"What's wrong? You need to breathe, god you what's wrong with you?" She didn't know what was going on. All she saw was Kenma walking with his hands tucked against him and irregular breathing. "K-Kuroo." His voice was just above a whisper and unfortunately she had heard. "What I can't help you? God you clearly don't care about me don't you? What do you need your boyfriend? Answer me." Kenma's hands shot up to his ears and he was shaking. "Oh shit. Kenma?!" Kuroo was able to get the girls away from him and rushed to Kenma. They had been in the doorway so everyone could see the exchange.

Kenma looked up and saw he friend and visibly calmed down. Kuroo grabbed Kenma's arms to bring them down. "Hey, it's okay. Your fine. I need you to breathe, we don't need you to pass out. Or do you want me to princess carry you again?" Kenma shot Kuroo a glare for his antics, he always joked around to get Kenma out of his attacks. "Awwwwe the wittle pwetty kitty is so viscous. The all mighty glare, can even make the giraffe flinch." Kenma laughed at that one, he knew he was referring to Lev. When ever he messed up Kenma would just glare at him.

"Calmed down?" Kenma nodded until he felt the glare again. He immediately flinched and ran behind Kuroo. "What the hell? Why do you immediately calm down when he shows up? You got worse with me around, I'm your girlfriend." Kuroo felt the tug at his shirt, he looked at the girl. "Listen, I'm his bestfriend okay sweetie.  And if I'm assuming correctly because I was present during Kenma's call, you got jealous of my name. Kenma has a little something called anxiety, ever heard of it? He can't be around alot of people he doesn't know, atleast if they don't speak to him. And what you just did, back in the hall, your probably gonna have nine volleyball players with a personal vendetta against you. Not to mention other teams, how about you come to the next game we have? Of course you can't make your presence known or else our brain is gonna be off his game. That right Kenma?"

Kenma just nodded and buried his face farther into Kuroo's back. "Now I'm taking him home. Bye bitches." Kuroo scooped Kenma up and Kenma just koala-ed him and play his PSP.

When he got home that night he had a message,

Y: We're done
Read 9:55

He and Kuroo just chilled the rest of the night. When he told Kuroo they broke up he was immediately shut up by lips. His brain processed what was happening and he went with it. He realized how much he had liked Kuroo, it wasn't just a friendly attraction. He was in love with his best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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