Part 5

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Ah, the chapter we've all been waiting for

Summary: Ron and Harry dance; Malfoy's a prick; Percy is not

Harry nearly jumped out of his skin when Ron put one hand around his waist. The other entwined with Harry's.


Harry nodded and they were off.

And Harry immediately stepped on Ron's foot.

To his credit, Ron didn't so much as wince, but Harry was positive his feet would be aching by the end of the ball if he kept this up.

As they moved around the other people who had joined them on the dance floor, the foot-stepping ceased and Harry found himself looking up at Ron more often than their feet as he gained more confidence.

Harry had never appreciated Ron's face more than tonight. He could count every freckle if he so pleased. One... two... three.. fourteen... Not to mention those eyes...

"It's too bad your mum didn't get you blue dress robes," he said.

Okay, someone had to be keeping the temperature at an all-time high.

Ron, who had been as lost in Harry's eyes as Harry was in his, didn't have a good response.

Someone stepped on Harry's heel, causing him to stumble and fall forward.

"Oops," Malfoy said as Harry righted himself back up. Parkinson giggled, a sound that was much less pleasant than when Lavender and Parvati did it.

"I'm surprised to see you having no trouble on the dance floor, Weasley," Malfoy went on. "Is that what your mummy spent all her money on? Dance lessons? And a dress?"

Ron's hold on Harry tightened.

Harry, very used to Malfoy's jibes, merely looked at him and said, "Don't be jealous, Malfoy. I'm sure you can bully your father into getting you dance lessons and a dress, too. Perhaps one like hers?" He nodded to Parkinson' frilly pink dress robes. "Although I don't think pink would suit you very well. May I suggest red and gold?"

Malfoy scowled, looking a cross between indignant and horrified, but he didn't have time for a witty comeback (not that he was capable of true wit); the Weird Sisters had started up a different, more upbeat song. Ron dragged Harry over along with everyone else.

Harry knew nothing of their songs, but even if he did, he wouldn't have focused on them. His eyes were on Ron the whole time, savoring the exuberance he was displaying as he belted the lyrics out along with everyone else that knew them.

When the band went to sit down for a moment, so did most of the people, including Ron and Harry. Faces flushed from cheering, they headed for one of the tables.

"I don't think I've had this much fun since— well, ever!" Harry said.

Ron was beaming as brightly as the sun. "Me, neither. Do you want any butterbeer?"

"Yes, please."

Ron disappeared into the crowd.

Unfortunately, this seemed to be an opening for Malfoy, who apparently was still not finished taunting him. At least Parkinson wasn't with him.

"So, you and the weasel, huh?" he said, giving Harry an unfriendly smile. "A match made in heaven, I suppose."

Harry gave him a bland smile in return. "Thanks, ferret. I'm so glad you approve."

Malfoy stopped smiling, but he still had more to say. What a shame.

"I do wonder why you chose him of all people," he went on. "Can't even walk without tripping over those huge, clumsy feet of his. Although I suppose he's better than the Mud—"

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