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Jimin pov
I kissed down her neck towards her chest oh her sweet moans brought sweetness into my heart I smiled oh god I'm so happy I have her in my arms again I like at her as she was moaning my name oh the way my name comes out of her mouth " ahhhhh j-j-Jimin r-r-right th-th-there I-oh god mmmmmmm so do you like that baby do you want daddy to go further or not " she nodded I slowly went deeper into her until I heard her scream my name there it was that is what I wanted to her I keep going when my went off I sighed and she looked at me and said " baby if it's work go I'll wait " I kissed her and pulled out the feeling of not feeling her walls anymore got me down I got dressed and sighed who the duck wants to fucking call me NOW!!! I was fuming I just wanted be with my baby just for one night it was meant to be special since it's our anniversary tomorrow and I have my baby instead out of I picked the phone
" hello"
" ahhh park Jimin ahhh"
"I froze
" you bastard I thought I killed you "
He laughed through the phone
" but you thought wrong your meant to be the mafia king at the moment your at the fucking bottom I'm coming for that girl Jimin your not going to keep her for yourself "
I laughed " over my dead body will you touch or lay a finger on her I swear to god I'll Kill you with my bare hands "
" is that a threat Jimin "
I smirked " it's more of a threat you prick " with that I put the phone down and went back to my baby as I stepped in she was sleeping so nicely I felt so bad because I didn't I've her what she wanted and I couldn't I sighed and checked my clothes in the basket and got in bed I cuddled up next to her and kissed her neck she turned over and hugged me I smiled and kissed her head while whispering  I love you baby so much even if I don't show it I just want you to know I love you to the moon and back please don't leave me " with that I closed my eyes

Next day
Jasmine pov
I woke up and came face to face e with my baby I got up and got on top of him I keys down and started to kiss down his neck yes I'm still pissed about last night but what could I do he had work that's it I k is u can't be getting in his way and I will not but I just miss him moments like this I really want me and him I sighed and got up I had a shower and got fessed I went and made breakfast and called all the boys down I went into my baby's room to find him not there I panicked and got to the bathroom down and heard water going I breathed and said L baby your breakfast is down come down when your done " with that I made my way down stairs

What an another day today will being ....

Mafias baby girl {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now