Chapter 3:

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After the party me and the twins sat on the front doorstep waving to everyone who was leaving. Faith and Emma had stayed to talk to Emily, Taylor and Mum about something. When the last car was gone we started talking about the sleepover.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Indie asked,
"We could go to the playground?" Violet suggested. I nodded and we stood up to go back inside to ask our parents, when we got close to the front living room I put my arms out, causing Indie to nearly fall down the stairs. We grabbed her arms and pulled her back up.
"What?" She said.
"Sorry," I whispered. "Listen" we sat on the stairs listening to the conversation going on between the five adults. I poked my head around every now and then to see their expressions without them noticing.

"-how am I going to tell her? She's happy and I don't want to ruin that for her." Mum said sounding a bit upset.
"She could stay with us?" Emily asked, "We would love to have her."
"And me," added Faith. "I've been her baby-sitter for years."
"No can do Honey." Taylor said, "You're career is too important, and I don't think she's comfortable around Luna..."
"What about her!" Faith exclaimed. "And what about your careers? I remember you making me stop my job, which by the way was new since I was fresh out of Britechester! You made me put my life on hold so I could help raise Indie and Violet!" I had never heard Faith talk like this before, I looked at the twins and they just shrugged in response.
"Now Listen here young lady-"
"Enough!" Emma finally spoke up, Taylor and Faith stopped to look at her.
"I think it should be up to Amelia to decide."
"Yes but as her Mother-"
"Uh! Let me finish!" She said cutting mum off. "Actually you know what Miranda? Please continue." Everybody looked at her in surprise, even me and the twins exchanged glances.

"Um, thank you." Mum stammered, "Anyways, thank you for the offers everyone but I'm afraid since I don't how long I'll be gone for, id feel best if Lia came with me." I heard sighs of agreement, but we didn't have the chance to listen anymore. Roxy was coming downstairs and there wasn't enough time to run and hide without the other adults noticing.

"Has anyone seen Frankie? I can't find her anywhere!" She called out, failing to notice us on the front steps.
"Here she is!" Jessy answered carrying a sick looking Frankie in from the kitchen. She had a bit of frosting on her face. "It seems someone found a leftover cake that was on the table."
"Oh dear, c'mere Frankie. Vet time!" Roxy said taking Frankie from Jessy, giving her a kiss on the cheek before turning around to walk out the front door. "Oh hello girls, sorry I didn't see you there." We sighed and stood up.

Mum quickly stood up and walked out of the living room, everyone else slowly followed her. They froze when they saw the guilty looking expression on Indie and Vi's face. I however, was only looking at Mum, who was staring back at me.
"Mummy? Are we going somewhere?" I asked softly.

The adults and the twins looked back and forth between us two for what seemed like a full minute.
"Well then," Roxy coughed. "I'll be out for about an hour at the most."
"I think I'll go too!" Jessy said quickly, "I know what cake it was so um, I could help." The twins stepped aside to let them through but I was still looking at Mum awaiting an answer. Violet grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, she soon let go once she saw the look on my face. Jessy and Roxy rushed out, Indie closed the door behind them.

"I think I'd better get home too, want a ride Faith?" Emma asked the redhead.
"What? Oh, yes please. Thanks Aunt Emma." And together they left too.
"Uh, oh yes! Girls do you want to help Dad set up the spare bed in your room for Amelia?" Emily asked, the girls nodded and they ran upstairs with Taylor walking behind them telling them to slow down.
"I'll go clean up the kitchen." Emily said with a nervous laugh. Then she too exited the front area.

Mum sighed, "Come sit down Lia, I'll tell you what's going on." I was hesitant, but she gave me a look that said "Now". I followed her and slowly sat on a couch opposite her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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