~Nineteen: Dad!!~

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After everyone showered and got changed, we met up in the living room again. The boys and I were all comfortable with each other now and we were joking and laughing as if we were friends forever. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I went and opened the door and came face to face with Adrien.

My jaw dropped. What was Adrien doing at my house? How does he even know where I live? Then I smacked myself internally. Of course he knows where you live you ding dong. He goes on your bus. Your bus drops you right in front of your house.

"Um...hi." Adrien smiled.

"Oh, hi." I said. I had kinda forgotten about him after my encounter with the Stray Kids boys. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I came back to return this." He handed me my school blazer. "You left it on the bus today." 

"Ohhh..thanks, but you could have just given it to me on Monday! You didn't need to come all the way here to return it."

Adrien shrugged. "I have way too much time on my hands. Besides...I wanted to see how your family looked like."

"Oh...um, well I'm afraid I have a few guests over so we're kinda busy at the moment. Um, I-"

"Hey there." I heard Han's voice behind me. I turned around. He was smiling at Adrien but his smile looked a little forced. "Who's this?" He looked at me with his beautiful eyes. I think I forgot how to breathe.

"O-oh, u-uh, this is a boy in my grade...Adrien."

"Oh Adrien..." Han's eyes hardened at the sound of his name. Oh crap. I forgot that I told him about Adrien.

"Hi, I'm Adrien." Adrien smiled and took out his hand though his smile also looked a bit forced.

"Han." Han shook his hand.

I looked between the two boys. They looked like they were in war with one another. Huh.

"Who is he?" Adrien asked, motioning to Han.

"Oh he's my-"

"Boyfriend." Han nodded at Adrien.

I gasped and turned around. What the actual heck Han?! But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking straight at Adrien. Han's hand rested on the small of my back and goosebumps shivered up my spine.

Adrien's eyes reflected surprise and shock and was it a little bit of...sadness? "Oh, wow, Hana, I didn't know you had a boyfriend! How long have you guys been together?"

"Uhh...well I-"

"We've only together recently." Han replied back calmly. I glared at him. What was he thinking? Why was he trying to send away the only boy who actually noticed me? Ugh.

"Oh right, um cool..." Adrien trailed off and scratched the nape of his neck. "Uh, well, I guess I'll see you at school on Monday, Hana." And he left.

"Oh yeah, umm.. thanks for giving me my blazer!" I shouted at his retreating figure. He gave me the thumbs up.

After I closed the door, I glared at Han. "What were you doing back there?!" I whisper shouted at him.

"What do you mean? Just saving you from that boy." Han shrugged.

"That boy looked like he had feelings for me and you just sent him away with a lie, saying you're my boyfriend! The actual heck Han! We only met for one day!"

"That guy didn't seem good for you. He seems like a player."

Huh. The same words that Shawn said. Why does he look like a player?! Yes, he is hot but not all hot boys are players! I breathed, trying to calm myself down.

The Road Not Taken ~ A Stray Kids FF~Where stories live. Discover now