how it went down

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Minho and Jisung had met each other in high school. They were both in a rough spot in their lives, but they supported each other and helped one another to improve into their best selves.

They were both accepted into the same college, Jisung for musical composition and Minho for dance. They were beyond elated when they were assigned the same dorm room. It was as if fate wanted them together.


The sun was filtering down through the trees in the courtyard. The weather was fair; it was a nice balance of warm sunlight and light breezes, which seemed to carry the sound of lighthearted chatter and laughter throughout the comfortable campus. Birds sang cheerfully, and the sounds of the local fauna seemed to call back to each other as if they were catching up after being apart. 

Jisung's last class had just ended, and he was walking with Changbin back to the dorms. His hands were tucked into his front pockets, and Jisung sauntered down the path, mindlessly chatting with Changbin and enjoying the serene atmosphere.

Movement caught his eye. It was familiar. The way he walked, with his shoulders set back, his fluid movements, his head held up ever so slightly that he seems teasing. 

Jisung felt his mouth form into a smile as he called, "Minho!"

He looked up, his brown eyes brightening under his impossibly long lashes. Minho lazily walked up to the pair.

"Ah, Changbin, can I talk to you for a second?" Minho asked, not batting an eye at his roommate. Changbin nodded, glancing at Jisung before veering away with Minho.

Jisung's shoulders hunched, and he felt neglected. Suddenly it felt too cold, the birds' screeching felt too loud. He glanced back at Minho, hoping that he would look back, make eye contact, and see the desperation and longing in Jisung's eyes. The feeling of uselessness and being dismissed weighed on Jisung.

Minho didn't turn around. Instead, Jisung watched in despair as Changbin said something that made Minho's eyes crinkle as he smiled, his features lifting, brightening.

Jisung shoved his earbuds in, looking down at the cobbled path, trying to focus on the rhythm of his footsteps since everything else reminded him of Minho. The golden rays of sunlight resembled his warm personality when they were alone, sharing secrets. The students sitting on the grass reminded him of the time they skipped class in high school to sit at the park and watch the innocent children and the passing clouds. Wherever Jisung looked, he saw Minho.

Admittedly, Jisung had had a crush on Minho since their senior year of high school, when he realized that these feelings were not typical in a simple platonic friendship. He tried his best to suppress it, knowing that their relationship would be irrevocably shattered if he tried to be anything more than friends. 

Once he got back to his dorm, Jisung crawled into his bed, scrolling through Instagram. He may or may not have been looking at Minho's old posts, recalling old memories, the times before things were complicated and feelings got in the way of things. 

His phone buzzed, and Jisung eagerly checked it, seeing that it was from Minho.


> do you need anything from the store?


candies? <


> you got it! i'll be home soon

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