The Big Day Part 1

952 3 2

Thinking- [Ow]

Talking- "Hi Kacchan"

Speaking angrily- "Deku"

special/super move- [Yanagi Mochi]

(A/N: I'll be changing Izuku's favorite food to Mochi also This is my first fan-fiction so if you guys have any tips on writhing these fan-fictions)

4 year old Izuku's POV

I wake up slowly and then I remember today is the day I go to the Doctors to find out what my quirk is. I jump out of my bed and I run to my moms room .

Izuku: "Mommy get up we get to find out my quirk" I yell as I'm jumping on my mother.

Inko: "Alright Izuku I'm up I'll go make your favorite strawberry Mochi for breakfast then we'll go to quirk doctors to see what your quirk is alright" my Mom asked sweetly while getting and grabbing some cloth's from the closet.

Izuku: "OK mom" I said in a cheerful tone as my mom chuckled a bit at how cheerful I was.

Inko: "Now go take a bath and get dressed" said my mom while walking out of the room to go make us some food.

Izuku: "Alright mom" I yelled while running to my room to grab my second favorite T-shirt and a pair of black jeans.

(A/N the shirt at the top)

<Time skip brought to you by Chibi Izuku eating strawberry Mochi>

Inko: "Izuku were here" my mom informed me as we parked in front of the quirk doctor's. My mom unlocks the car doors and her gets out then opens my door. We walk in and sit in the waiting area.

Izuku: "Mom when are we going to be called" I asked but as if on cue we were called to see the results. me and mom stand up and the nurse leads us to a room.

Nurse: "The doctor should be with you in a few minutes" she informed us as she left the room and closed the door. About five minutes later the door opens and a man with a clipboard came in and started to speak.

Doctor: "So kid what do you want to do when you grow up" he asked as he was looking for the results on his clipboard

Izuku: "I want to become a hero one that will make every one feel safe just like all might" I said cheerfully

Doctor: "well I've got some pretty good news Izuku you have two quirks your first quirk is Mochi manipulation your able to turn your body and other inorganic objects in to Mochi you can also manipulate the Mochi. your second quirk is Haki you have three types of Haki. Armament Haki witch allows you to manifest their spirit as a weapon by hardening their skin, Observation Haki is a form of Haki that allows the you to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally and could potentially allow the you limited precognition, and Conqueror's Haki This type of Haki allows the you to exert their willpower over others" He said with a intrigued tone

Izuku: "Really that so cool I wonder what Kacchan would think about it" I said out loud

<Time skip brought to by Chibi Izuku walking to the park>

As I was looking for Kacchan to show him my quirks then I saw him and two other kids bulling this girl with earphone jacks at the end of her ears I got really mad and ran in front of her to protect her.

Izuku: "Stop it Kacchan your being mean" I said while standing in between him and the girl

Bakugo: "And who's going to make me Deku" He said the last part laced with venom

Izuku: "I will [Mochi pistols]" I yelled as my hands turned black and I pointed at him with my pointer fingers started to shoot hardened Mochi at them. I hit Bakugo in the knee as his lackeys ran away after a few seconds Bakugo got up and ran away.

Izuku: "Here let me help you up" I said as she grabbed my hand and I help pull her up.

?????: "Thank you and um Whats your name" asked the girl.

Izuku: "My name Izuku. Izuku Midoriya" I Answered. "whats your name" I asked.

Jirou: "My name is Jirou. Jiro Kyouka" she answered as a lady who looked like a older Jirou.

Mrs. Kyouka: "Jirou it's time to go" said who I presumed to be Jirou's mom

Mr. Kyouka: "who's the kid with you Jirou" asked who I Presumed to be Jirou's Dad

Jirou: "This is Izuku he protected me from some bully's" Jirou said

Mrs. Kyouka: "well then why don't you invite him over for dinner" she whispered to Jirou. Jirou started to blush and walked over to me.

Jirou: "Izuku would you like to come over to my house for dinner" she asked while blushing

Izuku: "sure I just need to call my mom to see if its okay" I said as I grabbed a small sticky note out of my pocket. I walked to Mrs. Kyouka and ask "can I use your phone to call my mom please"

Mrs. Kyouka: "of course here" she then hands me her phone and I call my mom

Izuku: "Hay mom can I eat at one of my Friends house"

Inko: "did her parents say it was okay" she asked

Izuku: "yes they did" I answered

Inko: "okay but if your going to stay over the night call me okay"

Izuku: "okay bye" after saying that I hung up "she said its okay"

Mr. Kyouka: "we're ordering pizza is there any pizza you'd prefer"

Izuku: "no I'm fine with any thing oh and if you guys have the stuff I'll make us all some Mochi"

Mrs. Kyouka: "you know how to make Mochi because I just bought some stuff for Mochi this morning"

Izuku: "Of course I can make Mochi it be weird if i couldn't because of my quirk"

Mr. Kyouka: "Whats is your quirk anyway" asked Mr. Kyouka

Izuku: "well I actually have to quirks one is called Mochi manipulation I am able to turn my body and inorganic objects in to Mochi I can also manipulate the Mochi. My second quirk is Haki I have three types of Haki. Armament Haki witch allow me to my spirit as a weapon by hardening my skin, Observation Haki is a form of Haki that allows me to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally and could potentially allow me limited precognition, and Conqueror's Haki This type of Haki allows me to exert my willpower over others"

Mr. Kyouka: "wow that's a lot we're here" he says as they walk into the house

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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