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This is Gaia, or Earth. Not the Earth we know but another Earth in our multi-verse region, One of the many worlds that are the same but unique. This one is very different from the world you know.

Eighty years ago the group known as the Nazi's were taking over Europe and it looked like, though many countries were resisting, nothing seemed to be able to stop them. In this world it looked like they would be able to takeover the world as they wanted to do. It wasn't like it was in our world, Japan hadn't attacked the U.S. and the U.K. Was starting to fall. It wasn't the great powers that undid them in this world. They defeated themselves.

Adolf Hitler was obsessed with the occult in that world just as he was in yours but in this one they found something that he didn't in yours. His scientists had gathered many of the items that they needed to try to open a gate to another realm and call forth an army that would be powerful enough to take their remaining enemies in days. They tried and only succeeded in one thing. Taring the vale between worlds and bringing back the creatures of myths.

The first to burst past the vale were filled with anger and hate and swept across the world destroying those who had freed them with intention to use them.The Nazi party was decimated in moments of their release and soon followed by the Italian Fascists and the Imperialist Japanese. In a matter of hours the world was free of such hate. Seeing the darkness in both Communist and Capitalist leadership they pushed farther.Luckily for those left, Oberon the great god king of Fae followed close behind and stopped them from wiping the earth clean of humans.He saw value in humanity as he always had but he no longer wished to watch the wars.

With the vale torn,magic energies flooded onto the world bringing back the lost races of Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Halflings and Dragons. Oberon erected a gate at the point of the tare and left the world to its own devices as he had before. Though the U.S.A. and the U.K. remained they changed to governments that were all about their people and equally Capitalist and Socialist while the Soviet Union fell into disarray with there turn of the Dwarves who once ruled there lands.

Though many believe that Magic and science are opposing forces but in truth they are equal parts of each other. With the return of Fae energy, old lost knowledge was remembered and cleaner more long lasting powers replaced what was being made. Now eighty years after their return,technology and science have moved forward at an alarming rate and the world has become a better, freer place. Though there will always be those who wish to destroy the long years of peace.

New nations appeared, not all of them on the surface of the planet. Battle lines were drawn between races and people, but for the most part there was piece between nations even though within nations' crime is often rampant. Like all earths this world has police and other forms of law enforcement but unlike most they don't have heroes to do what they police can't. They call them Executioners, and an international treaty allows them to cross borders for their prey. This story follows one such being.

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He drove up on his trike to the front of the unassuming building, knowing that it was a bordello. Everyone in the city did, and since it wasn't illegal no one cared what it was. There were those who still worshipped the one god and protested such, but most everyone else understood why it was here. Most used one, even if it wasn't this one. He smiled at the metallic bird sitting on his shoulder.

"Skar," he said softly. "I think I can handle this one. Go home and make sure that Vox doesn't get antsy and run down here."

The bird made some clicking noises at him and he nodded. "Yes, I'm sure I've got this.Now, go. I really don't need Vox's metal ass down here causing trouble."

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