thisprogram is we're gonna support you emotionally mentally with the neuroreprogramming physically and answer your questions so it's great to have thoseof you are tuning in and I want to mention that most Americans follow a one ortwo meals a day all these fasting people are advocating but a sumo diet is eatone meal a day and then when they do eat they eat so much more calories thebody holds in that is really critical a lot of people have gotten plant-basedDr. Gerenger but they haven't made that next step to get the process oils outof their diet somehow they think oils are healthy almost like someone from theMafia Italy is convinced them that drank oil and use it in your salads use itin your recipes why are they all using this olive oil and various oils that areso toxic to people it's just a fad just like the ketogenic diet the Atkins dietyou know it's just being relabeled and because we kept seeing all these blackchemistry and we noticed that patients that are on long term diet their liverenzymes are high and also they displace their kidneys and going back to bloodpressure and heart disease you know sometimes hypertension is is secondary to akidney dysfunction and going back to that slide that I show earlier thearterial system the vascular system it goes back down to the root cause of aproblem and when we talk about all these supplementation products we're justeducating you and how to rebuild what's broken where we're teaching you thesetools how to take control of your health and really really
Romancebody fat and that's how they get to be so massively obese so cardiologist Kim Williams and 14 other doctors are now supporting plant-based whole food eating they're supporting oil-free plant-based which