Chapter 3

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The battle was in full swing. Spells were flying everywhere and Draco had not seen his girlfriend since the start of the battle. Suddenly a voice Draco recognized all to well echoed over the castle. Voldemort. He was calling a pause to the battle, so they could properly deal with the dead and injured as well as taunt potter and ask him to come to the forest.
Draco used the time to find his soon to be wife. "Hermione!" He yelled when he ran into the great hall, eyes wide and searching. It was like his life depended on finding her. Heads turned to look at him but he didn't care. Instead he scanned the people looking for the familiar brunette. He had looked all over the castle before he ran here but she wasn't there yet. He started to panic, what if she had been killed? But before his thoughts could get to carried away, the doors to hall burst open again and in came Hermione, Ron and Harry. Draco rushed over to the trio. Hermione was holding the broken cup of Helga Hufflepuff. Another horcrux destroyed. "Oh thank Merlin you are ok, Draco!" Hermione said flinging her arms around his neck and hugging him. "Me? Are you ok, you aren't injured are you?" Draco asked looking his fiance up and down. "I'm fine Draco, I promise!" Hermione said. "Oh god how could I be so stupid! The house elfs!" Draco shouted. Hermione looked confused and slightly annoyed. "You want them to fight? We can't order them to die Draco!" Hermione said, her voice full of anger. "Of course not, we need to get them out of here!" Draco responded, almost being cut off by Hermione's lips crashing into his. Due to the previous our burst most of the people in the great hall had been stairing at them and at the sight of the kiss let out small gasps.
The battle had re started, and potter was dead. That bloody idiot. At least that's what he wanted people to think. Draco noticed the disappearance of the body whilst the battle was going and headed inside to the great hall, where most of the action was taking place. It was a stupid thing for him to do. Most of the remaining death eaters where in there, not many but the deadlier ones. The ones that knew him as a traitor. Draco almost immediately noticed the situation his girlfriend was in. Her, Ginny and Luna where all being steadily pushed into the corner of the room while dueling the physcotic witch that was his aunt, Bellatrix. He had sworn that night in the manor that Hermione would never have to face the witch on her own again. Technically she wasn't alone but it wasn't with him. He charged forward from behind bellatrix and shot spell after spell at his aunt's back, the first two went flying of course but the third hit her in the back and caused a large cut, not that deep, to appear slashing through her dress. She spun around and saw her nephew. The boy who ran. "Lookie here! If it isn't my cowardess nephew, fighting back! Which one of those useless so called witches is it then, hmm. It wouldn't be ginger oh no no no, you wouldn't have had a reason to run," whatever she was about to say got cut off by the sound of Hermione yelling the first spell to come to mind, the witch froze in place. Her arms and legs snapped to her sides and she fell, face first, on to the floor. "Draco! Thank God you are ok!" Hermione said. But before she could hug him Ginny pulled her off again, back into battle. The worry in his eyes was the last thing she saw before she was forced back into battle.
It was near what would be the end of the battle when Draco caught sight of Harry, a brief glimpse but he knew it was Potter. He also knew Potter didn't have a wand, when Hagrid had been carrying the body out of the forest his wand had rolled off of his chest and clattered onto the ground. So Draco did what, in his mind, was the only proper decision and threw Harry the wand he had been using. Even wandless Draco decided to put up a fight. He could see that most of the death eaters were dead, only low ranking, less skilled ones remained. A physical fight was possible just unlikely. He saw Ron, one of Hermione's best friends and one of their biggest supporters, cornered and disarmed by a weak death eater so he took his chance. He walked up behind the man, tapped him on the shoulder and punched him, hard right in the jaw. The impact made him fall into the wall which was what consequently knocked him out. "No wand?" Ron asked looking Draco over. "Gave it to the blasted boy who can't die. Probably going to get myself killed saving him" Draco responded. That's when it hit him, a cold, icy feeling spread through out his body starting at the heart. The spell had been a rebound spell from non other than Pomona Sprout. The only time it could even have a chance of causing death was if it struck the person right in the heart. Which it had. Shock filled the room. The deatheater had seen who it had it, and fled. Draco had a notoriously vicious girlfriend when she was emotional. Not that he got far, Hermione was too busy blasting whatever she could in his way. Pomona felt the awful sense of dread, guilt and pain wash over her. Never had she killed anyone, not  in either of the wars. Never had she intended to kill anyone. That spell had originally been aimed at someone's hip, and would block out all movement in that area. But it had hit one of her own students in the heart.
Hermione had seen it happen. She destroyed everything she could to stop the person responsible from leaving before rushing to her boyfriends side. "You can't go Draco, you promised a beautiful summer wedding. You promised me this," she muttered into his chest. It was a slow death. He would get weaker by the second, his oxygen levels depleting. Hermione collapsed onto his chest, letting out a low sob. Behind her the final battle between Harry Potter, the boy who lived and Tom Riddle the snake guy was taking place. But she didn't notice, she was to busy memorizing every detail about Draco. The small flecks in his eyes, how his chest felt to lay her head on, how his weak arms still managed to wrap around her when she needed the comfort the most. He was going and she was there to witness his last breathe. On his final, sharp intake of breathe he managed to get out the only words that mattered to him, "I love you Hermione Malfoy," and in his last breathe he got to hear the women he loved with all his body say, "I love you too Draco Malfoy." In a way Hermione took that as her wedding. A sad affair amongst sadder events. She couldn't let herself break just yet though. She had a so called dark lord to deal with.
She stood from her, now dead, boyfriend's body, wiped her tears away and stormed towards the so called dark lord with a look that could murder millions of people and sent billions more running. Both so called men fighting caught a glimpse of the angry brunette storming towards them from the corner of their eye. She had a bone to pick with both of them. "Harry James Potter, how dare you let Draco risk his life before our summer wedding by accepting his wand! Do you know what this has done? I just witnessed a terrified little boy, in a grown mans body die and his last words where to his should be wife! And you Tom fucking Riddle, this is completely your fault! You forced innocent young people to join your side, go against what was right, what was moral, so they could all die in a final battle you where guaranteed to loose. But you just made it much worse, because now not only do you have a stupid, young boy trying to save the wizzarding world trying to defeat you, you have a very angry, very emotional, should be widow who wants no more than to rip you limb for limb for all the pain you have caused!" With ever sentence she took another step towards the men. No spells where needed to get across her anger, instead her magic made her hair fizz with electricity and sparks jump around her. The brown pools Draco used to describe as beautiful melted chocolate where filled with grief and rage. Her should be husband had been torn from the world way to soon because of his kind heart, because he gave up his wand help Harry Potter defeat the darkest wizard of all time. At this point lord Voldemort even seemed scared of the witch marching towards him. Harry had backed as far away possible. Spells where soon firing rapidly from her wand, every spell she could think off in quick succession. And finally the dark lord was destroyed, not by Harry Potter, not to save the lives of thousands of innocent witchs and wizards, not for the the safety of the wizzarding world, but because a women had lost the love of her life thanks to that, grey skinned, no nose, red eyed wizard that had tormented so many people before.
Once she saw his body hit the floor she ran, right back over to Draco's dead body. And that was where she could be found for several hours after the battle, crying over the body of the once lively man she loved with all her being. War was cruel. She knew that going in, she just never expected to watch the love of her life take his last breath.

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