Hogwarts Express

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King's Cross was once again loaded with people, as the first day of Hogwarts starts today, September 1st, 1991. The muggles had absolutely no clue about that, although a very few portion had reported sightings of people running into walls and disappearing. Kim Taehyung was one of the new students, and he looked everywhere for the platform of 9 3/4. He couldn't find it, so he eventually gave up and stood in front of the wall in between platforms nine and ten. 

"Scuse me, I need to get to Platform 9 3/4, do you know where it is?" Taehyung asked a weird-looking man, who seemed to be with his daughter. "Oh, we're actually just about to enter it!" replied the man. Taehyung looked very confused since there was nothing around this area that said of that platform. "Watch us." the man said as he held his daughter tight. They both ran towards the wall in between. Oh... No wonder I couldn't find it. Taehyung thought as he did the same thing as them. He eventually found himself in a secret platform, somehow filled with loads of people. 

The platform, as implied, was loaded with people. Taehyung continued to follow the man since he had absolutely no idea what to do. He found the entrance to the train and decided it would be best to go inside. The inside was quite empty, maybe because most of the children were still outside. He chose to stay in a corridor, located somewhere in the middle. He put his bag right beside him and stared outside. After a while, he noticed the daughter of the man. She had wavy, black hair, which just reached her shoulders. Her brown eyes were somehow very noticeable, considering the fact that brown eyes were quite common. 

"Hello? May I sit in this corridor?" the girl asked permission to Taehyung. "Yes you may." he replied. The girl sat in a seat right in front of him. "What's your name?" asked the girl, as she took her bags and put it under her seat. "Taehyung, you?" he was asked the girl back. "I'm Jisoo, nice to meet you!". The two shook hands. They remained silent for a while until two other people asked to go in. "Are we allowed to stay here? We can't find anywhere nice to stay." said the shorter one. Taehyung and Jisoo let them in. "I'm Baekhyun, a second year." said the shorter one as he sat down. "Jungkook." The other boy stated his name.

"So... What house do you wish to get sorted in?" asked Jungkook, trying to lift the awkwardness. "House? What house?" Taehyung asked in confusion. The other two boys laughed underneath their breath. "What's funny?" Taehyung was once again confused. "You don't know the Hogwarts Houses?" Jisoo asked. 

"No, why?" 

"It's a thing in Hogwarts, where they sort you into houses; Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. " Jisoo explained.

"How do they sort you?" 

"By your personality, we'll see later."

"Anyway, what house do you all want to be in?" Jungkook asked one more time.

"Probably Hufflepuff, since both my parents are there." Jisoo replied. 

"I'm actually a Gryffindor. Did you know that the famous Quidditch player named Harry Potter was sorted there?" stated Baekhyun

"Of course we know that!" Jungkook yelled at him. "If I were to choose, maybe Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Whatever suits my personality better." He answered his own question. Taehyung decided to stay silent since he didn't really know where. The four of them ended up having a long conversation about their expectations and tales about Hogwarts and kept on staring outside the window, the three first years eager to take their first peek


Sehun, unlike most of the people in the corridors, sat alone. People knew of his family's reputation of being loyal death eaters. He wasn't like them though. He was nice, yes, but he had evil tendencies. That still doesn't mean he was a merciless psychopath. People just had to judge him because of his parents. Now he was just sitting in his corridor, staring outside the window. 

One thing he didn't expect was for someone to actually come inside. "Sorry for bothering, I was sent here." A small girl with blonde hair said. "Sent here? What?" Sehun got confused for a bit. "You see, my parents were once death eaters and I accidentally revealed that to my seatmates and they forced me to go here." the girl explained. "I'm Yeri. You're Sehun right?" 

"Yes... How do you know my name?" 

"Oh, it's just that our parents know each other, and they kinda told me about you."

"You just assumed I was Sehun?"

"Yes, I did." she took out a picture of a young boy, playing with his toys. "You know him, right?"

Sehun grabbed the picture and stared at it. "That's Luhan isn't it?"

"Yep, third cousin." Yeri yanked the picture out of Sehun's hands. "Third cousin. He talked about you a lot. Shame he turned out as a Squib, and got kicked out of his family." Sehun just stared at nothing, kinda sad he wouldn't be able to meet him again. "Sooo, I expect we are both in Slytherin, future housemate." Yeri assumed.

"I bet someone else is gonna come here," Sehun said, and lo and behold, someone really did come. "It was a dare." a girl with brown hair and bangs came inside. "Why do they even dare those stuff? That's just so degrading." Yeri exclaimed and crossed her legs. "I'm Sejeong... You are?" The girl introduced herself and sat down.



"Nice to meet you." The female said hesitantly. "I didn't even like my seatmates."

"Why?" Yeri questioned.

"They were mean." Sejeong lay back in her seat. "I bet they did this to send me out. We're almost there anyway." The three of them looked outside the window. The castle of Hogwarts was already visible from this point. "It already looks so pretty," Sejeong exclaimed. The three of them stayed silent for a bit until the train stopped. 

"First years! First years over here!" a voice yelled out. Everyone got off of their seats and followed the large man named Hagrid.  A lot of first years gossiped with their newly found friends. They all got on their boats, four in each one, as they rowed towards the majestic castle of Hogwarts. 

Hello everyone! Welcome to the first chapter of this book! I'm actually very motivated to make this, which is something I didn't expect, cause I really lack motivation. Anyways.... Take your guesses in the comments on the character's houses. The other characters will show up soon I promise! I have nothing else to say for now! Goodbye~

Word Count: 1111

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