Ron Weasley -5-

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"It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon

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"It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon..."

You walked into your best mates' dorm just in time to hear Ron ask Harry that question in an oddly-dreamy tone. Harry noticed you first and gestured for you leave quickly, but you instead asked, "Ron?" and the ginger-haired boy turned around.

The moment you met his gaze, you could tell he'd been given a love potion, and through the way he smiled at you, you were pretty sure who was behind it. As Ron mooned over you, you told Harry that it was most likely the twins (as they had recently discovered your affections for their younger brother), and you decided to bring Ron to Professor Slughorn for help.

"Y/N, I love you, I really do, I loooove yoooouuuuu-"

Oh, bloody hell.

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