I'm not even done with my other story -.- to bad. ;)
Chapter 1
Hi, um, so...My name's Raven. So, I have long black hair and sky blue eyes, the only one with eyes like my great grandfather. I currently am working on getting my motorcycle license, that way I can finally get my very own motorcycle. Anyway, off subject for a minute there, I'm 13, live in a very small town in Alabama called Auburn. I love rock music. All Time Low...anytime they want, they can come over. No matter the time.
I have a total of a million friends. Okay, maybe not that many. I have an entire school worth of friends, plus more. Yet, i have a total of 4, maybe 5, Real friends. My best friend though, Skyler, was Exactly like me, could be twins, same taste in guys (almost), we had pretty much everything in common. She has dark brown hair with blonde highlights and weird greyish-blue eyes that had green in them too Then there's Alexandra, but we call her Alex, the innocent one. She has long light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She's the excited yet quiet one. There's whose Briella, who's possibly the prettiest mixed girl you've seen. She has rare eyes I can't explain, except for the weirdest hazel mix you've seen, and light brown hair with blonde highlights. FInally, there's Janessa. RED HEADED, has allot of freckles, and has light blue eyes.
That's pretty much my little clique. And, all of them can sing, except for me. They get the looks, the talents, and all I do is ride horses and do sports and band. Me though, I read. I love it, it's like everything to me. Everyone think's im a nerd for it. I have a few talents, like music and softball. Other than that, not so much.
Speaking of my friends, here comes Skyler. She was wearing some white skinny jeans and a white shirt with a canadian maple leaf on it and white converse. To be fair, my group of friends were all skinny... I didn't think I was skinny though.
"Hey Rave!" Sky strided over.
"Hola Amigos, me no speak your language." I smirked and said back.
"Don't be a smart ass." She turned around and we started to walk to the buses to cross the road to band.
"Oh, but babe, I just can't help it!" I retorted and pushed open the door to run into a guy. I looked up and it was Him. He had jet black swishy hair and brown eyes. Tall, skinny. nice ass. My type. I smiled and stepped aside, while Sky started teasing me.
"Ooh lala mi amoir." She teased until we sat down on the bus.
All the rest of our friends soon piled on the bus, Alex to my left, Briella in front of us, and Jenessa behind us. We started talking and i figured I would go ahead and tell them what I wanted to instead of dragging it out.
"So guys... I have a surprise for you guys this Saturday so no plans are to made for you. And, no. I will NOT give hints, because I suck at hints. Everytime I try to hint, I end up giving it away." I told them, and they all agreed and said they would meet at my house, little did they know though.
(Raven's Pic on the SIDE!)