Chapter 8 - "Shut up, Aph!"

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"Shut up, Aph!"I shouted at her.

I really wanted her to just shut up about my crush on Andrew...but she never did. Then again, she had a crush on Aaron...hmm.

"How about this Aph -if you don't tell anyone about my crush on Andrew, I won't tell anyone about your crush on FC."I smirked.

Her face went beyond pale and I mean seriously beyond pale. "Okay! Okay!"she shouted, her face turned bright red like a tomato.

I was pleased, I had won that case.

My happiness, however, ended when the bell to end school rang as loudly as it possibly could.

"Wait, school's over already?! My Irene, it feels like it just started!"I complained.

Time sure does fly fast when you're talking to friends.

Aph giggled at my complaint. "Hush now, Alina. Let's go!"she said and took off as fast as her potato legs could carry her.

I ran after her but I stopped outside the school, watching a conversation between Andrew and Melissa.

"Melissa, I appreciate you doing this but I can handle it."Andrew? spoke.

"Good luck hiding—"I couldn't hear the rest of what she was saying because she whispered it into Andrew's ear.

He nodded and hopped into the car while Melissa hopped into the driver's seat. The very expensive car backed up and drove off.

I wonder what that was all about. I shrugged my shoulders and slowly made my way towards the street - Casanova Ave.

When I reached the familiar house that my mom and I called home.

I pushed open the door, and set my backpack down on the floor near the coat rack

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I pushed open the door, and set my backpack down on the floor near the coat rack.

"Alina? Oh, you're home! I didn't even hear you walk in."my mom said.

She came walking out of the kitchen with a pair of white earbuds in her ears. I merely groaned, she was listening to music like always.

"That's because you're listening to music, mom."I sassed.

She pulled one earbud out and looked at it with her lavender eyes. "Oh, I am?"she asked, aloud.

I sighed, grabbing my backpack and walking up the quartz stairs. Once I was upstairs, I pushed open my bedroom door with my foot and threw my backpack onto my desk chair before collapsing on my bed.

"Aah."I muttered, feeling the softness of my mattress beneath me.

I would've dozed off...but the constant ringing vibration from my phone told me otherwise. I pulled it out, unlocking it rather quickly as I read the text messages.

'Hey! Haven't heard from you in awhile, are you okay?'

I knew who it was. It was Andrew, my charming crush. I simply smiled, as I texted back a response to him.

'Hey Rue! You do realize we saw each other at school...right? So it's not exactly awhile...'

'Har har, Alina. You know what I mean.'

I smirked. 'But yeah, I'm okay.'

I'm beyond crush was texting me! Not to mention, Aphmau knew who my crush was...if only fate would allow us to possibly be together in the future.

"I can only wish..."I muttered.

"Wish what?"a voice started me, as a raven haired girl with pale yellow eyes walked in.

I jumped up at her voice. "Alvera. I thought you were in school."I questioned her.

Alvera was considered 'my twin' but she was a childhood friend of mine and I hadn't seen her since mom and I moved here a few weeks ago. As far as I knew, she was living with her boyfriend in Havenborn, a nearby city home to werewolves. If you didn't know, she's 18 and a senior in Highschool...whereas, I'm just a freshman.

"I was but I got word that you and your mom moved here so I waited until I got a chance to visit you two!"she said, cheerfully.

"Aww, Alvera. Thanks."I thanked her.

She pulled out a picture as I gave her a confused look. "Who's that?"I pointed to the a dirty blonde haired werewolf boy with light red eyes.

I frowned. I didn't know who he was and she could tell from my look.

"That's Lowell...I thought I introduced you two."she started to question herself.

((No, this isn't MCD Lowell it's my OC Lowell...))

"Nope."I told her.

A loud and sudden knock interrupted us as I bounced out of my bed and down the stairs quickly. When I opened the door, I saw Andrew and Aphmau with Aaron behind her.

She pulled out her phone and tapped something before showing it to me.

As I watched the video of breaking news, I collapsed into Andrew's arms. My mother was dead...killed by some stranger.

(The next morning - Friday)

While I would've been excited that it was finally Friday, something inside me just was excited at all. Andrew, Aph, and Aaron all kept their eyes on me, making sure I was doing okay after my mother's death.

My friends would all tell me "are you okay?" Or "I'm sorry for your loss." But truth be told, I wasn't sure I was okay...I mean, my mom and I were close and to lose her like's just so sudden.

The week for the werewolf history project had passed and we were getting to see our grades for the first time. I stayed back at my desk while Andrew went up to get our paper. The look on his face said it all, but so would his response.

"I think this might cheer you up, Alina."he told me, as he slid the paper over to me so I could see.

I looked down, noticing a big 'A' on the top and I waited until class was over to hug him, tight.

"Thank you Andrew. For everything."I thanked him, as he nodded.

"What are friends for."he replied and left school with Melissa and Aaron.

Aphmau and Keori walked home with me because we all lived on the same street. Sylvana was kind enough to let me stay with her and Aphmau for the time being, just until the investigations were done with.

But even with the investigations going on, I knew I wasn't alone. I had friends, real friends.

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