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No generic shopping malls for the Aquarius woman - not a chance! She will more likely be found buying vintage pieces in thrift stores, piecing together individual outfits and unique looks. Never a fashion follower, an Aquarius woman is often positively contrary, swishing around in maxi dresses when minis are "in" and inspiring trends of her own. Interestingly, she usually works whatever she chooses. She has a gloriously eclectic personal style, and is unafraid to shock and dazzle her admirers with a daring top or an outrageous color combination. Her favorite colors are bright and attention grabbing, like turquoise blue, hot pink, and emerald green.

The Aquarian woman can dress to shock. One day she'll be sporting bright pink hair and facial jewelry, and the next she'll be wearing a demure navy business suit and her hair will have returned to its normal color. Or she can combine things that don't usually go well together like a dressy silk blouse and khaki pants. Her eclectic tastes allow her to shop at a vintage store or a designer boutique.

Always reaching for the sky, electric blue seems the natural color for this woman. Avant-garde wardrobe, chic hairstyles, and sometimes off-the-wall elegance in footwear and jewelry, an Aquarius woman will make her own statement.

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