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Baekhyun's POV

I was running late to meet my friends, we always meet each other in the music room after our last class of the day. Fuck... the music room is on the first floor and I'm on the third one, I better hurry up before they decide to start without me. But I don't think that they'll leave without me... right? No, impossible I'm their friend they'll wait. I'm sure they will.

After running from the third floor to the first one, I am just some steps away from the door. I was about to open the door until I heard some noises, actually they weren't just noises, they were voices. 

"To be honest I don't like him, I just can't see him as a friend" was that the voice of... Kris? who are they talking about? It was obviously not about a girl, I have clearly hear a 'him' so is it one of our friends? Or a classmate?

"Yeah, lets be real here guys. We are his friends only because he does our homework" That was Chen's voice... Are, are they talking about me? I normally help them with their homework... 

"Yeah, he always buys me a drink when I tell him to. Hmm know that I think about it, he's like one of my maids" That was definitely Sehun's voice, but why? Why is he compering me to a maid? aren't am I his friend? I could hear him and the others giggle to what he just said

"I agree with Sehun" Kai... "I know that all of you know that I have plenty of money, but... why waste on something if I have someone to do it for me? right?" Suho why?... they really think of me like that? They just use me... for their own benefits? How- how can they think that low of me. I can hear how all of them laughing, if they really just hate me so much... why did they accept to be my friends?

"You know what?" Please don't "I heard some people talk about that he likes me, HA! He's too low for me" Stop, just stop... please "Like, ugh, he's really ugly and he's a BOY! We all know that I'm not even bisexual! Even if for some reason I get to like a boy it would never be him" stop, please I'm begging you... "And if for some stupid reason someday I like him I will make sure to kill myself!" He said and started to laugh, and so did the others. On the other hand there is me sobbing, and crying with a hand on my mouth so no one hears me. I think I have been here long enough, I guess it's time to leave.

I was about to run away when I heard a sound, someone had slapped someone...

Tao's POV

Okay, that's it! I have enough of this bullshit.

"WHAT THE FUCK TAO?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you nuts? Why the hell did you slapped me?!" Chanyeol said to me

"I don't know, maybe BECAUSE ALL OF YOU ARE BEING FUCKING ASSHOLES TO BAEKHYUN?!" I'm so done will all of them "How can all of you treat him like nothing?! HE'S HUMAN TOO! Don't you know that he has emotions too?!?! Even if you don't like him you can'y just treat him like he is nothing" I said furiously towards them. They all looked confused

"What? What are you talking about? Don't tell me that you actually like him?" I swear to fucking god Chanyeol, if you don't shut up I'll make sure to rip your head off your body

"Yeah, have a problem? I indeed see HIM as someone that is actually NICE" I said making sure that the words 'him' and 'nice' were loud and clear. He tried to say something but I talked before any sound could escape his mouth "If you are trying to say that I only feel bad for him, then you are wrong" I stooped to take a breath and continued "He is a nice person, I really do not understand why do all of you treat him like that. I mean he is always there to help anyone! Even if they are not his friends, ALL OF YOU are the ones that deserve to be treated as slaves you idiots!" After I finish saying that I grab my stuff go to the door, but before I open the door I tell them "Wanna know something? The only reason that I became friends with all of you is because I thought that y'all were nice people... I guess I was wrong." I said to then open the door, get out, and shut it as hard as I could trying not breaking it at the same time. 

While I was walking I see something, like a shadow... I think I heard the shadow talk so it is a human, right? I follow that voice and get to an dead end, I ask the shadow to turn around to see who she or he is and then I realize that it is...


This is the first chapter of this story hope y'all like it :)


yEs I fInAlLy WrOtE sOmEtHiNg On EnGlIsH 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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