Angel With The Radio

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~Angel's POV~
I was scared out of my mind! "Alastor…'' the Voice said in a cold voice, I'd I didn't hesitate to go out of my room, still feeling the person was following me, and ran to Alastors room, I didn't know why, but I think he could help! As I found his door , I was still wearing my long sleeved shirt and pants. He opens the door,"Angel!?" He said, I just jumped in the room, I could tell that he saw the fear I had. He saw something and told me to wait there, I was in shock and crumbled to the floor wishing that he could help! Alastor came back in and saw me curruled against the wall and hiding my face. "It's gone" he said, his voice soothed me for some reason. I looked up a little  to see his face. I could feel tears in my eyes.

~Alastors POV~
I didn't like seeing Angel Dust cry, Which made me even more p*ssed "It's fine" I reassured him, he uncovers his face and uncurled, the thing was that he was still trembling. I wanted him to stop crying! But if I yelled , I felt he would cry more. I then looked into his eyes, they were calm, but scared, looking away from me. "You can stay here for the night" I said, hoping he would stop crying. So I wiped his tears, but when I touched him, he flinched. "How much did he do, to make you scared?" I asked. He just looked at me with puppy-like eyes, sad, scared,  the only ways to describe the look in his eyes. "I just want to go to sleep…" he said, sounding weak, so I let him sleep on the bed while I slept on the couch.

~Angels POV~
"I feel like sh*t" was the first thing I said when I woke up. I looked at Alastor and saw him sleeping on the couch, he looked so peaceful.I then started  getting out the door.
  As I reached my room,I remembered what happened last night and it gave me the shivers! But I didn't want to cause more of a fuss, so I just went in my room and changed. I then started to go to the kitchen to get something, Vaggie said that if I don't start trying to cut down on the drinks that she'll kick me out, so I agreed since this place gives free rent.

~Alastors POV~
I woke up to the sun hitting my face, that's why I don't like to sleep on my couch. I then look on my bed to see that Angel isn't there! I panicked for a bit thinking that my shadow hid him or something! "Angel Dust left, try looking in the kitchen down stairs." Was what my shadow said. So I got up, changed and went down stairs. Then I realized… Why do I care!? He's just a slut!...right… I then saw angel having a milkshake, it looked like it was strawberry. How much does he like pink? "Hey Alastor, why you just standing there? You comin' or what?" Angel said and then looked back at Cherrie. He seemed to act like he didn't remember last night.

~angel dust POV~
Alastor was just standing there and it kinda annoyed me. I then saw Mimzy walk in, we've talked, not much though. "Hey Alastor!" She said "remember! Me and you were going to eat together!" Alastor then turned his head to look at her "of course…" he said with that same grin he always had, and I remembered that he had a permanent smile. I couldn't help but look, but I then quickly turned away when he looked in my direction. "Hey Cherrie, wanna go in the game room?" I said bored out of my mind. "Sure, I'm so bored I wouldn't mind killen'!" She said as we ran to the game room.

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