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   I clenched my teeth together as my eyes scanned the dark abyss of the alley way. I jumped onto the nearest trash bin not sparing a glance at the cold hearted pale green eyes that seemed to follow my every move. A quiet whimper sounded in the silence, causing me to loose focus. I toppled off and cursed at myself. Throwing open the lid I was met with frightened brown eyes. I quickly grabbed at their shirt, hoisting the both of us up, a louder whimper came from their chapped lips. Throwing them up in the sky I jumped after them.
   A not so quiet screech sounded, it echoed and rung in the air bouncing through the graffitied walls and buildings. I raced with the wind as I toppled from platform to platform, small hands rigged against my shirt but I ignored them.
As the familiar dark forest came into view I used the strength I had left and barreled myself towards it. As I landed onto the ground the crunch of leaves and squawks from the birds came after it,almost a little too late. Hoisting the person on my back up I fling my arms around the dirt trying to grab the familiar tree root. Pulling at it a dusty door appeared, wasting no time I ran into the door, glancing towards the cold small hands that clung to my shirt. I slumped to the ground and gasped for air. My eyes shifted around the room until they met the familiar brown eyes.
   "Who the hell are you?! And what where you thinking?" I angrily spat. They looked terrified, I almost felt bad. "Well, answer!"
     "T-the eyes..." they whispered, their voice shook and quiet sobs racked their body. Letting out a sigh I cautiously walked towards them. I knew the fear of seeing the eyes for the first time. They where the eyes of the terrors. To be specific zombies. There where three types of zombies; Terrors, 0-ais, and moon-crawlers. All of them where different in their own way. Terrors where the most common, and the most stereo-typical. They where more than half of the zombie population. However, they sucked. The only special move that they had was if you looked into their eyes for the first time, you'd see them but as human form, at their happiest moment in life, then it would all crash down. You'd loose the breathe in your lungs as you watch them get turned into what they are now. It was terrifying. I began to pat her back slowly not entirely knowing what to do.
Their sobs quieted down and even though I am angry, I feel bad. Just a bit. They calmed down and stopped shaking, I used this time to get a good look at them. They had long brown hair that cascaded down in curls, thin chapped lips and warm brown eyes. They looked so...innocent.  They where wearing a thin silk blue dress, almost as if it was a night gown.
"Who-what...you?" I asked not entirely knowing what I was asking.
"My name is Meadow. Uhm-"
"Why where you in a trash bin?" I cut her off.
"I was hiding, I got scared and just...left them."she answered. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked around the room. I didn't wanna question her cause it seemed like a sour time so I just ignored it.
"Look kid, I don't know anything about you... and I'm not sure if I can let you stay here..." I said standing up and scratching the back of my head.
"Please, please, you can't just leave me for them, you can't leave me to die. Im scared...I'm cold!" She rushes out grasping her hands in mine. "I have no one, no home, no place to rest my head" she said as her voice cracked like a ghostly mirror. I was tempted to remind her that garbage cans weren't as bad as she made it seem and that the rats where doing just fine, but I sealed my lips.
Snatching my hands back I looked at her. My heart felt heavy.
" I-I will let you stay here... but there's rules and there's things I'm going to have to make you do. You understand?" My voice came out stern. Im not sure what I am getting myself into, this is a child for goodness sake.
"Yes. Thank you, thank you!" She jumped up and her arms wrapped around me in a hug. I started to pat her back not knowing how I react to this.
Taking her hand in mine I began to show her around the "house" if that's what you'd call it.
"This is the...living room? Know what, lets just call it room one. This is where I store weapons and food, up there in the corners the radio. Don't touch it. At all. You see that basket? Mhm,yeah that's where I put clothes. Next to it is where dirty clothes go. Lemme just;" I picked up a small box and threw it over to the baskets. "You'll put your clothes there. The clean ones, we will share the dirty pile."
"This is the sleeping room, let's call it room two. Pretty self explanatory. Sleep. That's where I sleep." I said pointing towards a red sleeping bag."you'll sleep here" I told her jutting my foot at the purple sleeping bag. " I couldn't fit in it but you seem pretty small. By the way how old are you?"
"I'm ten" she responded quietly.
"Oh" was my simple reply. "It's bed time, we have a busy day tomorrow and your going to have to inform me about yourself, you know where everything is." I said going into my sleeping bag, I was too exhausted to change clothing. Before my eyes gave in I noticed a small figure curled in a sleeping bag with a grin on their face. Cute.


Hi! This hasn't been edited, this is the first story I've published. Have any feedback? Say it! This is dedicated to @ElisiaWrites
Xoxo <3

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