The crisp, chilly air hits you like a sheet of ice as you wander outside. It's been so long since you've been outside; ever since you hurt your knee, nearly falling over every time you tried to do so much as a sprint. But now that's over. Your leg feels perfectly fine as you bound across the field, relieved to finally be free of your humble abode, which you had become quite bored of.
You stop, taking in the marvelous view. The sun shone brightly through the lush, green forest in front of you, and the sky was a cloudless blue. Taking a deep breath, you break into a run.
You'd forgotten what it felt like to use this... freedom. You fly through the air, the soles of your feet slapping the cold, hard dirt, making your way across the feild. Your heart pounds in your chest, the wind slapping your face like a cold knife, but you don't mind. You are free. The world is yours.
Short StoryHere I'll write not full stories, but random little scenes/chapters and such. Some might be fanfic scenes XD Enjoy!