We been out the Darkness
I got to Admit
Because you put me in this Sadness
I am tired of your Shit
I just wanna go to the Grey
or go to Light
Instead to Obey
or have no Sight
What am I
I am a human Being
I don't need to Cry
For what I am Feeling
But I need You
For the Financial
But why are you so Blue
But to me i am Substantial
We been out of the Darkness
We been out of the Darkness
We been out of the Darkness
But why am I still Here?
In this hell hole Place?
Sometimes I just want to Disappear
But your the guard dog and I run so your doing the Chase
So why am I in Prison?
When I am suppose to have Freedom?
Even i am in my own home Imprison
And I need to be free by the end of the Season
I am Gone
Gone to the Light
i'll be gone by Dawn
and the light is too Bright
But it's too Perfect
Too perfect for Words
Too bad I am a Suspect
All day and evening i hear Birds
We been out of the Darkness
We been out of the Darkness
We been out of the Darkness
But one Day
I'll be out of Here
I am no Stray
I don't have to Disappear
I can just Stay
I can be Free
I'll be on my Way
But all i need is the Key
The key to Life
The key to Freedom
I no longer need my Knife
I'll be there by the end of the Season
No more Cutting
No more Crying
No more Shutting
No more Trying
We been out of the Darkness
We been out of the Darkness
We been out of the Darkness
No more Darkness...
I have no comments
- Taylor Ross Drybones
Dark_EmoTaylor18 Poems
PoetryMy poems of my feelings and thoughts of my inspiration of what I see and think...