A house of our own

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"Look Steven I can pick out a house without you, I already had one. Two in fact. I don't know why you insist on acting like I can't pick out my own damn house." Danny's shoulders were tense.

"Well the island is a lot different from the mainland. You didn't grow up here so you don't know the unique problems and tricks to island living." Steve took his hands off the truck's wheel to gesture and even looked away from the road at times to look at Danny.

"I bought a house already here! And that's why I talked to Chin. He's lived here and bought a house. You never bought a house, you inherited a house. There's a difference Steven."

"Look how well that went for you, it flooded and now you need to get a new one. So you talked to Chin because he bought a house, and you talked to Max why?"

Danny squinted and shook his head. "What does that have to do with anything."

Steve dipped his head to the side and then shook it. "So you did talk to Max."

"What? Oh don't do that. You know I hate when you do that Steven. Don't interrogate me."

"Why not I'm just trying to figure out why I had to find out you were buying a house from someone other than you, and when I ask around everyone but me knew. I'm just trying to understand why you wouldn't want a qualified person's opinion."

"You are not qualified for this Steven that's what I just explained to you."

"Yes I am, but even so there wasn't even a 'hey Steve as my best friend and partner I wanted you to know I'm going to look at houses.' Or 'hey Steve I found a house what to come check it out?'"

"What are we doing now huh?"

"That's the point Danny you didn't ask me. I found out and when I confronted you about how you were sneaking ar-"

Danny waved a finger to interject. "I was not sneaking Steven!"

"Sneaking around, then you asked if I would like to come with you the next day to a finalising run through."

"You act like I've been sneaking around for months. It's all happened really fast. I barely met the realtor once and I found this place. I planned to have you come along today the whole time."

"Bull." Steve looked over at him. "Bullshit and even if you did, I was the last person you were going to ask. I just thought we did important stuff together. I thought we were partners."

"Oh don't do that Steven."

"Yeah and what's up with all the Stevens? Steven this Steven that. You say it when we're arguing, but you've been using it non-stop. Are you really that upset with me about this? Did you not want me to come? Or are you angry with me about something else?" Steve didn't look over once.

"Would you stop yapping we're here. It's none of that, let's just get this over with." Danny unbuckled his seat belt like he was about to jump out of the still moving vehicle.

Steve pulled into the driveway and parked the car. He looked over at Danny. Danny held his eyes for only a moment before rolling his own and getting out of the car.

A professionally but comfortably dressed woman met them at the door.

"Aloha Mr. Williams, and oh... I didn't know you were bringing a guest, but the more the merrier. Is this a contractor or inspector you want to sign off on something? Or..."

Steve put on a blinding smile and stretched out a hand. "I'm Danny's partner Steve."

She frowned. "I was unaware you had a partner. This is a big decision Danny one that should include al-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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