Chapter Fourteen Part Two: The Salvatore Quadruplet

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"I can not wait to meet the quad." Bonnie said exitedly.                                                                  

"Ste-stefan I-I-I thi-think they-they're co-com-coming so-soon-sooner th-than ex-expe-expect-ed.." Caroline stuttered through the pain.

Stefan looked up from his test and toward Caoline shocked.

"Now?" He whisper asked.

Caroline nodded intensely while clutching onto her stomach. Stefan turned to Elena.          

"Damon, get to the hospital right now. Caroline's having the babies." Ric told him.


"Oh good, you're just in time." Elena said as soon as she saw Damon.

"They're prepping her for the caesarean section.Bonnie's in there with her now." Stefan told him.

"Why is she in there?" Damon asked.

"They're trying to siphon their way out." Stefan told him. "Bonnie's doing everything she can to stop it from hurting Caroline." He told her.

Damon followed the nurse to where Caroline is at.

'This is it. This is it' Damon thought.

"They have her under anesthetic for the pain. I'm doing my best but I don't think I can go much longer." Bonnie told him.

He nodded toward her before going in but stopped himself and turned to the brunette.

"Thanks Bonnie" He told her before going in, standing next Caroline's side holding her hand.

Many thoughts are going on in Damon's head at this very moment. All the waiting, now it's time. He wonders if he'll be a good father. Does he deserve them? What if he become like his father, Giuseppe? What if he end up doing what his father did to him, to his children? Damon would never live with himself if he knew he had hurt his kids. No, he can not be like Giuseppe. He'll do whatever it takes for him to not be Giuseppe. His thoughts were interrupted by cries. It immediately stopped crying when Damon went over. A nurse gave him scissors to cut the cord off each babies until there were none to cut.

 A nurse gave him scissors to cut the cord off each babies until there were none to cut

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"We're just going to clean them up and give them a checkup. Did you guys already came up with names for them?" Dr. Manning asked.

"Yes, we already have names for them." Damon replied.

"Great. You can come with me to fill out their paperwork." Dr. Manning told him.

As they stitched Caroline back up, Damon filled out the paperwork for the quadruplet.

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