6. Start a new

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Chapter Summary ​​​​​​: Atlas is excited. Ares is silent, and we see a different perspective

short chapter for the sake of plot uwu

"I'm... all out."

Sighing in disappointment, you placed the empty bowl on the table. Leaning back against the couch with a small frown.

The sun had went down hours ago, taking the last bits of warmth with it and came out the moon, Atlas and Ares left way before the sun began to touch the horizon. Saying that their relatives might be wondering where they were. Annoyed at the mere mention of them, you offered if they'd like to stay the night. Just to piss off whoever at the opposite side of the street - also, food. Food you can taste.

You were going to admit trying to make the exact replica of Atlas' cooking, following a recipe on your phone and excitedly took the first bite - only to taste nothingness. You had bummed out for an hour after that, ending up falling asleep on the couch and woke up three hours later with the overwhelming joy you felt once remembering Atlas' food in the refrigerator.

Instead of choking on it, you decided to go slow and savour it. Wondering about work, when it will come, if you'd have time for Atlas and Ares — not that you cared or anything. They were just amusing characters. . . Okay, so maybe you did care a bit but that didn't really mean anything. It's like your likeliness to Cerberus!

You blinked twice, tearing your eyes from the bowl and sighed softly. Picking up your phone to check the time — 5 AM, you start work in three days.

Picking yourself off the couch and put the dirty dish in the sink, you wandered up the stairs and into the bedroom. Opening the window halfway and climbed into bed, sleeping for a few more hours should be an easy pass time.

It was until around 10AM did you wake up to the sound of your doorbell. Groggily getting out of bed, you grumbled softly as you decended the stairs. Muttering underneath your bed — completely unaware of your pink nose and lightly blue lips as you opened the unlocked door and glared at the offending monster.

However, it quickly melted away at the concern skull of Atlas. Swiftly taking off his gloves and placed his hand against your cheek, his other pressed firmly on your forehead.

Blinking away the sleepiness, you removed his hands from your face, waving him inside. Still wearing yesterday's clothing, although more messier than the last time you saw Atlas.

He ducked underneath your doorframe - just as he was closing the door, you saw the disbelief on bandana and scarf's faces from across the street. Another skeleton monster standing behind the two, although wearing gym shorts, a flame-printed top, basketballs for shoulder pads, and a backwards black cap.

The door closed before you could examine him much longer. shrugging your shoulders, you lead Atlas to the living room and fell onto the couch with a soft groan.

"'morning." You mumbled softly, laying on your side and stretched your arms above your head, arching your back with a loud whine.

"GOOD MORNING, Y/N. DID YOU HAVE BREAKFAST YET?" Atlas spoke, his attention on your drawn windows - he pulled them to the side - a prideful and (slight) smug on his features before he turned back to you. The expression he had softened - no longer blue-lipped as the colour returned to the luscious pink.

Food? You perked, but didn't bother to move positions.

"no? I don't think I eat breakfast." You say, sitting up with a yawn escaping your mouth. Atlas frowned and shook his head.

"UNACCEPTABLE, I WILL MAKE YOU- You Haven't Bought Anything Yet, Have You?" He cut himself off, speaking in a normal tone as if he was regretful.


Lazily raising your brow, you gestured to your clothes. "I'm comfortable, though. I have enough clothes that'll last me until the end of the week."

He shook his head - feeling like a child again as he wiggled his finger back and forth in a scolding manner. The last time anyone did that, it was because you pranked Hades, Dad was at a meeting on Olympus so the self-proclaimed 'uncle' had to look after you for a day or so. At the time, you couldn't be older than 5, fifty or a hundred years old in human years.

Raising your eyebrow at him, Atlas huffed and easily took large steps towards you, plucking you off the couch and carried you to the stairs. Too stunned to react, you stared with wide eyes.

Gently putting you on the first step, he patted your head and gestures with his chin to the bedroom. "GO CHANGE! I WILL FETCH MY TRUCK AND ARES, OKAY?"

Absentmindedly nodding your head, you blinked twice when he patted your head once again and turned his heel, softly closing the door behind him as he left.

"....Oh Hades.." murmuring under your breath, you turned and quickly retreated to the bedroom. Brushing your hair by running your fingers through it, you changed into a comfortable sweater, black tank top and white jeans. Picking up your wallet from the drawer, you zipped up the sweater to your neck then pulled your hair into a low bun.

Locking the door. You narrowed your eyes at the waiting skeletons across the road, biting your tongue you sighed loudly and shoved your hands into your pockets. Shrugging your shoulders, you walked to the street and waited for Atlas and Ares.

"GO OVER.." one whispered to the other.

Crossing your arms, you narrowed your gaze at the two - feeling almost relieved when Atlas pulled up, carefully backing out of their driveway and parked in front of you.

Unable to resist the sigh, you quickly climbed into the truck, went over Ares and leaned back, staring up at the sky and let out another loud sigh.

Ares chuckled deeply, twisting around to face you just as Atlas drove off, leaving Scarf and Bandana in the dust. "what got yer underwear inna twist?"

shrugging your shoulders in silence, you continued to stare at the sky, the clouds rolling by slowly. Ares took this silence as 'nothing' and twisted back, leaning against the chair with an uneasy smile. His one working eye light looking at the review mirror, senses tingling of oncoming danger. Yet, when he looked into the mirror, he didn't see anything or anyone that opposed to a threat.

No, not in this flimsy timeline.


A man tapped his fingers against his phone. His brow quirked in amusement at the retreating truck, leaving several in the dust behind. His sharp features twisted, jade blue eyes rolling with his plump lips pulling back into a lopsided smile.

"Lets go." He said to the driver, rolling up the window and leaned back, leg over the other as the car jerked forward. Although, his eyes stayed with the skeleton monsters in the mirror.

Atlas, excited for the Reader: she's like a little baby unicorn-
Other Skeletons: *hits reader with a hand bag* Don't be f u c k ing ruDE

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