Masky × Apple juice

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It was a nice summer morning. Masky was just waking up from his short slumber at the mansion.

"Jesus christ" he mumbled to himself as he made his way down the stairs, hair a mess. "I'm fucking thirsty" he mutters and heads to the fridge.

His usual coffee materials weren't there so he sighed and reached for the next (to his unknowing surprise) best thing, Apple juice.

"I dont get why people are so hyped about this stuff? It probably tastes like crap anyways" he reached up for a glass and placed it on the counter, pouring himself up a nice, tall refreshing glass of the yellow juice. He slowly raises the glass to his lips and took the first sip

"HOLY SHIT" He blurted out loud and stared at that amazing glass. "THIS SHITS GOOD" he exclaimed again, eyes widening "where have you been all my life? This feels just as good as watching Alex finally fucking die" ((haha funny))

He soon drank the full bottle of the juice, glancing around in the fridge to see if there was more. The addiction had already started, Masky had fallen in love with this sweet apple concoction. "Hey, do we have anymore of this apple juice stuff?" He calls out, getting a 'No!' From one of the rooms

The masked mans face dropped, staring at the empty bottle in his hand "I'm gonna run to the store, okay? I'll be back in a little."

Masky runs off to get his jacket, leaving his mask behind and taking a long, long walk out through the woods to the nearest corner store. He set down a bunch of cash coin, pointing to the apple juice "as MUCH as this can get me"

The worker quickly nodded and rang in "Uh, that's enough for about 20 bottles" he glances up "go get what you need and I'll give you your change"

With that, Masky took off, grabbing 20 bottles of the pure gold liquid "keep the change, thank you" he stuffed the bottles wherever they could go, even opening a few on the way back. He chugged back the sweet juice like it was nothing.

After he got back he ran to his room, bringing to bottles with them and quickly laying them out on a shelf. It would only be hours before there were only very few bottles left

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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Masky × Apple juice IN PROGRESS (This is for you, my Amino crew)Where stories live. Discover now