Chapter 2 Killing Gets Better I Swear

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I arrived home to see my girlfriend Katie sitting on the couch with her haul on the counter. I proceeded to sit down onto the couch next to her, she handed me a sharpener for my knife as she paused sharpening hers I proceeded to sharpen my knife right along with her. This was our idea of a romantic time was sharpening our knives together. We turned on the news to see what was happening right now, it seemed as though the victims from last week were all reported missing and the bodies had not been found. Later that night we went to bed with our knives cleaned and sharpened in the holsters by the door.

The next day we woke up and I made her breakfast before heading off to "work" as per the usual. I say work like that because my real job is the hunting in the night that I do that gets me the real money. As I was driving to the office that I use as a front for a day job I started thinking about tonight's targets and realized that last night didn't have enough pizza I did nearly the same thing with all three targets so tonight I'd mix it up. It's going to be fun.

Later that night I headed out to do my killing on 5th and 3rd street a small house near some apartment buildings that were mostly empty besides a few people which were going to be at work that night. As I arrived at the house I finished up my dinner that my girlfriend packed for me so I wouldn't be running on an empty stomach. I stopped the car outside the house and walked up to the door in a grim reaper type hoodie with a scythe (I decided to really mix it up this time). The "victim" came to the door and saw me like that she seemed like people did this shit a lot and she was done with it, she said "please just go away I'm not in the mood to be pranked right now."

Honestly big mood, but when I pulled the scythe off my back and brandished it at her she seemed to realize the weight of the situation, and turned and took off towards her back door. I put the scythe back onto my back and jumped up her door steps and ran after her. She wasn't too far ahead when I caught up to her, but she did a wall run off of a dumpster to get over the fence which I never expected it was quite the feat. I followed in her footsteps but instead of a wall run I just jumped and flung myself over and as I landed on the other side I pulled out my scythe and threw it at her and it boomeranged down the alleyway and hit her in the foot causing her to fall. As I slid to a stop in front of her laying on the ground I pulled out my pliers and pocket knife. I tied her down and propped her mouth open, as she was laying there I decided to talk to her a bit, I said "Oh hi don't worry one bit I just need your organs and teeth, but I thought I'd make it fun for myself and pluck the teeth out one by one and hear you scream, and see you squirm in pain."

The look in her eyes changed from worry to anguish as I smiled in my sweet sickeningly way. I started to hum a tune while I started on her teeth, as I picked the pliers back up I brought them to her teeth and gripped them around her left front incisor. Then with my free hand I picked up my pocket knife, I yanked on the tooth and it just halfway came out just hanging there her gums bleeding and torn up and oozing. I took the pocket knife and slowly inserted it into the space above the pliers and cut the tooth the rest of the way out. During this whole ordeal she was violently shaking and squirming making it more of a mess and causing me to cut more of her mouth than I planned. She tried to scream but I put a rag into her mouth to stop the noise and decided to start on her toes now. I dug my pocket knife into her big toe after taking her shoe off, it started to bleed and I cocked my head to the side and smiled again saying in a sing-song voice "You know how much fun this is, this is great. Thanks." I took the pliers and yanked her big toe off as it was mostly off from the knife oh how I love this. After I finished the job and bagged it up I went home. Tomorrow I will have even more fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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