Chapter 1

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The fact that it wasn't his alarm that woke him should've been the first realisation that the day was going to be complete and utter hell.

But of course he couldn't have known that with how peacefully he slept, snoring mindlessly into his pillow without a care in the world.

He hadn't any of his usual nightmares that night.

For the first time he hadn't woken sporadically, drenched in a cold sweat and clutching at his chest not knowing what had even happened in the dream that slipped away so quickly he hadn't even realised he'd been sleeping.

Nope, no nightmares at all, and there weren't any ordinary dreams either, just simple sleep that weighed his limbs down and numbed his head making him almost think he could sleep for a million years.

Midoriya blinked harshly, sleep pulling his eyelids down and lulling himself into the falsity of just, 'five more minutes.' It was the most rested he'd felt in a long time and his body craved just a little more of it.

The past couple of nights had nearly driven him to recovery girl with how hard he was pushing himself.

He'd been helping Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari study for an upcoming test.

which he didn't mind of course, he was always happy to help!

But.. With his own studies and the extra training he'd been doing, his sleeping time was, well to put simply, greatly reduced.

Plus the nightmares started popping up and any sleep he did get after training throughout the night wasn't very restful.

Izuku turned over muttering something incoherent as he grasped absentmindedly for the blanket that was kicked to the floor. He'd been so exhausted when he finally made it back to his room that the minute he saw his bed he completely passed out, his training uniform still on, shoes and everything.

Light shone on him and Izuku shuffled again, tirelessly trying to find a comfortable spot away from that evil sleep-killing sun.

Suddenly his eyes shot open and his brows furrowed at the wall in front of him, if he were drunk on sleep the sudden anxiety that chilled his blood sobered him up.

'It was broad daylight outside.'

Izuku double checked the window almost believing that he had to be seeing things, that the light outside couldn't possibly be real as the pit of his stomach felt heavy.

'He still had classes.'

That heavy feeling that resided in the pit of his stomach grew more nauseating as his sleep riddled processing was ever so slowly catching up to reality.

'His alarm hadn't gone off.'

It took him a minute to fully register that he must have overslept and the second it clicked Midoriya shot up from the bed so quickly that his leg didn't even have enough time to untangle itself from the bedsheets before he bolted.

Without warning he tripped and fell backwards onto the floor, his ears burning with both the embarrassment of falling, and the fear that he might've just unintentionally skipped class.

Never in a million years, never in his entire life, had he actually skipped class.

That 'Goody-Two-Shoes,' part of him that always tried to be a good student pounded mercilessly against his chest in anxious fear.

"Oh no," Izuku's mumbling was just barely audible as he unraveled himself from the sheets and checked his phone for the time, "Oh no oh no oh no, All Might's going to kill me!"

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