Lady Of Versitude, 32

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Asinis's heart struck his chest and throat as he clutched Feri's hand in front of the throne room doors. Their star motif exhibited a celestial theme that, when the guards parted the doors, spilled into the throne room in a series of purples, golds, and blues swirling in fantastic diamond and asterisk patterns.

"Here we go," Noarwin whispered behind them. He urged Asinis and Feri over the threshold. Hard glances met them for not having their disguises on. Their descriptions had circulated the capital, so everyone knew who they were. If Asinis and Feri couldn't prove their innocence, there was nowhere to hide. And being among so many guards and spectators made escape near impossible. Though, that didn't stop Asinis from scanning the area for routes.

"Asinis..." Feri squeezed his hand with both of hers and stepped closer to him.

"It's alright, Feri." He glanced at Silas walking beside Noarwin. "We have the stag," he said. Silas's influence had proven itself so far. He hoped it would continue.

Feri gulped, and they crossed the turquoise carpet bordered in purple and gold. Stain glass windows of the same colors let in the morning sunlight. It lit the white marble, turquoise and amethyst stone, and gold leaf interior. Tall right-triangle-like thrones stood atop a set of four steps on either side of the room. They bordered the carpet, their interior velvet and cushioned while a three-pointed star poised at their tops. Each seated a Royal Council Member, who scrutinized the company as they approached the steep set of stairs ascending to the throne.

Asinis and Feri stopped at the bottom between two pillars on which a six-pointed star rested. The throne above had the shape of a water lily, the cushion on which Her Majesty sat gold satin inlaid with more stars and similar designs. Gold wiring laced in an intricately weaved fan behind her, and a nine-pointed star floated above her head. Standing to her left, halfway down the steps on a landing, was Enora subdued in Sir Sefu's celestial crystal chains. A set of guards watched over her, spears in hand while Sefu and Captain Fairwind stood on the opposite landing.

"So, Mr. Noarwin," Her Majesty called down.

Noarwin stepped forward. "Your Majesty." He bowed.

The woman before him was a splendid beauty of golden-brown hair and stunning silver-blue eyes. Golds and purples draped her person, and a gold crown with diamonds, sapphires, and amethysts rested on her brow.

"Sir Sefu and Captain Fairwind have provided me the interview you witnessed yesterday." She extended an elegant hand, and the orb which had recorded Enora's confession floated before her. "The child has remained silent since and seems resistant to your charms."

"It seems so, Your Majesty," Noarwin admitted.

"How disappointing. I find it preferable to extract information in your gentle way, rather than force it as my captain and guardian choose. That being said." She waved her hand and sent the ball back into Sefu's waiting hands. "This confession requires a witness besides he who obtained it and the one who facilitated it. Play the interrogation, Sir Sefu."

Sefu traced his fingers across the ball, and it played the conversation he had with Enora the evening before. The council, hearing it a second time, murmured among themselves, most disturbed by the news of a cult after their kingdom's sources of magic. Asinis's throat dried, a frog settled there as he listened to Sefu's hard voice and Enora's pitiful replies. A part of him wished he had witnessed the interrogation himself, while the other thanked whatever higher power held the reins which prevented him from doing so.

"Is this what you heard last night?" Her Majesty asked when it finished playing.

"It is," Noarwin confirmed.

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