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"Are you really making me do this?" I asked hoping to get out of the party Kayla was dragging me to.

"Yes, now come on."


"No, you're coming. You're not getting out of it this time." She said with a serious look on her face.

"Fine, What time do we have to be there?" I sighed giving up.

"People are probably already there but we can go whenever." She answered like it was no big deal.

But it was a big deal to me. I had no idea how many people were going to be there and that freaked me out.

I didn't know how many people were going to be there, but it's Alex's party so I knew that there was going to be most of the school and probably some of his friends out of school.

This was really stressing me out.

"C'mon we should probably get going." Kayla said interrupting my thoughts.

"Okay." I hesitantly agreed.

The car ride there wasn't so bad, it was actually kinda fun. Kayla and I blasted All Time Low the whole way there.

Once we pulled up is when my nerves starter setting in again.

I saw all the cars parked and people outside and started to panic.

"Kayla I don't know about this." I looked at her my eyes practically begging her to let me leave.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine" she looked back at me reassuringly.

I sighed before nodding my head and making my way toward the house again.

I took a deep breath before opening the door and walking in.

There were so many people there. More then I ever could have guessed. I never seen so many people in one room before.

I was about to tell Kayla I wanted to leave but she wasn't there.

I don't know where she went, but she was gone.

I started to panic and walk toward the door when I ran into someone.

Wow just my luck.

I looked up to see someone I didn't know.

I didn't really know of it was better or worse. Humiliating myself in front of a stranger or someone I knew?

"Hey" he said slightly laughing at my clumsiness.

"H-hi" I shuttered.

"Party's this way" he said putting his hand on the small of my back leading me back to where all the people where.

"I was just leaving" I said trying to go back towards the door.

"Awe so soon?" He asked looking kind of disappointed.

"Umm well I guess I could stay a little longer." I responded questioning myself.

"Awesome" he said with a small smile on his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you're name" I stated.

"Zach, and yourself?"


"Well it's really nice to meet you Savannah"

I nodded in response as we walked back to a huge group of people.

I didn't know anyone here and it made me really nervous.

"WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE??!" I heard Alex yell. I laughed to myself a bit because spin the bottle seems like such a party stereotype.

"Wanna go?" Zach asked me

"Umm I think I'll just stay over here." I answered not wanting to have to kiss random strangers at some party I didn't even want to come to.

"Awe c'mon please" he gave me that sad look again.

"Okay fine I guess. " I said good bing into the peer pressure.

We walked over to another large group of people before we all sat down in a circle. Some guy placed an empty beer bottle in the middle and spun the bottle.

It landed on a girl that looked kind of familiar. She probably went to my school or something.

They both leaned in until they were inches apart in the middle of the circle. They finally kissed getting a bunch of "ooo"s from everyone around them.

This went on quite a few times luckily not landing on me. There were a few close calls but the bottle always went to the people around me.

It was Zach's turn to spin the bottle. He spin it really fast but when it began to slow down and stop it landed on me.

I began blushing and I knew everyone could see it. I hated being the center of attention, so I have two choices. One kiss him fast and get it over with. Or two run away and never talk to him ever again.

Everyone was staring at us so I figured option one would save us both some humiliation.

I began leaning forward when he did. Our faces met closely in the middle of the circle before he softly pulled my face towards his so he could kiss me.

It was nothing huge just a simple kiss, and I was thankful for that.

We went back to our original spots and someone else spun the bottle.

I excused myself from the circle heading towards the bathroom.

I heard someone following behind me. I looked back to see who it was and it was Zach.

He smiled at me "Hey, you're a pretty good kisser"

"Thanks" I blushed.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to head upstairs or maybe come back to my place with me?" He asked.

"I-uhh" before I could finish answering someone came up behind me and turned me around.

"I think we should get home" it was Kayla. Talk about great timing.

I turned back to Zach "Sorry I can't" I said before walking away with Kayla.

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