Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V
I woke up the next morning warm literally sweating through my clothes causing me to open my eyes seeing I was smushed between Aubree and Rae as Ava laid behind Aubree snuggled up. I got out the bed quietly grabbing my phone taking a picture of the three as Aubree moved to snuggle with Rae causing Ava to scoot farther into the bed probably just getting comfortable. I shook my head walking out the room towards the bathroom as my phone began to ring, "Hello?"

"You literally scared the shit out of me," Sabrina spoke from the other side of the line. "Oh wow. I'm sorry when we got home last night my roommate had been going through something and I forget to text you or text you back if you had texted me. I literally just woke up and all three of them are in my bed," I spoke causing Sabrina to sigh. "No, it's fine. I just know Aubree didn't text Sarah either so we both were worried so when we woke up this morning and noticed that neither of you sent a text, we figured something was wrong," She spoke causing me to grin. "Aww, one date and you already care," I teased causing her to huff. "I'm hanging up now," Sabrina spoke causing me to laugh. "I'm sorry. I was only teasing, how's your morning going?" I asked as I opened the fridge grabbing the just add water pancake mix and the waffle maker. "A lot better now that I started it off talking to you," Sabrina spoke causing me to nod with a smile. "Very smooth Sabrina," I spoke with a chuckle. I could practically hear her smiling on the other line. "What are your plans for the day?" I asked as I grabbed a bowl before grabbing a couple of eggs out the fridge cracking them into the bowl before I filled another one with pancake mix and water. "My other sister is flying in today, so we'll be going to get her and then having a family dinner tonight. So, I'll be spending my day avoiding her until I can't," She spoke causing me to laugh shaking my head grabbing some none stick pan spray and began making the waffles. "What are you doing?" Sabrina asked as she heard the beeping from the waffle maker. "Cooking breakfast because I'm the first one up," I spoke as I began on the eggs are as I finished making the waffles. "You can cook?" Sabrina asked causing me to snort. "God no, I'd kill you and me. I mean simple breakfast stuff, yes and maybe baking since most things come with instruction but cooking dinner I cannot," I spoke as causing Sabrina to laugh on the other side causing me to pout slightly. I saw Ava walking out the room towards the bathroom waving at me as she closed the door causing me to laugh. "Hey Sabrina, I'm going to have to call you later, but I'll be sure to text you. The girls are up and breakfast is ready," I spoke into the phone as Raelynn walked out the room walking into the other bathroom. "Okay! Have a good day I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked probably making sure I didn't forget. "Of course, beautiful! See you tomorrow," I spoke smiling before I pulled the phone away hanging up.

"Good-morning," Ava spoke coming into the kitchen with a smile on her bare face. I smiled as she pulled her hair up taking a seat at the island as I fixed her a plate before opening the fridge, "Juice or water?" I asked as she pulled her plate towards her. "Water please," She spoke causing me to give her a bottle of water as arms wrapped around my waist. "Good-morning Raelynn," I spoke as she pulled away making her own plate. I grabbed the gallon of milk fixing Raelynn a glass before handing it to her as she took a seat next to Aubree who had just gotten in the kitchen. I grabbed a different glass fixing Aubree a cup or orange juice handing it to her as I fixed her plate, "Thanks." She mumbled sleepily as she took the plate of food. I quickly fixed myself a plate standing across from the three and began eating, "What time are we leaving?" I asked turning to grab me a water bottle out the fridge. "It's only ten-sixteen so I guess we'll leave around lunch so eleven forty-five? Twelve?" Ava spoke causing the other two to shrug as they continued stuffing their mouth. "Sound's great to me Av," I spoke causing her to nod as she began scrolling through her phone.

 "Sound's great to me Av," I spoke causing her to nod as she began scrolling through her phone

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