Monika x Suicidal Male Reader

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Requested: Watterpad1100


Y/n's P.O.V

I was finally on the Just Monika ending, I sighed, the ony way to actually end this, is to delete her, too bad I'm actually inside my computer, after ending up here, she just pulled me in here.

I don't know what to do, we both just kept staring as she talks, I don't want this to happen to my life, I'm too young to even live inside my computer, I wanted to achieve my dreams and not this, I was cut off of my thoughts by Monika

"Y/n, my dear? Are you okay? You seem to be spacing out, have you even been listening?" Monika asks

I didn't answer

"Come on, don't be like this, you've been like this ever since last week!" Monika cries out as she leans closer, her hand crossed on the table

"You aren't dead, are you?" Monika asks

"Wait, of course not, maybe you're just shy...But you've been here ever since last week, I can't just talk by myself!" Monika said

She sighs

"I-" suddenly she stopped as if she was interrupted

"I'll be right back, my love!" Monika says and kisses my cheek

She closes her eyes

I guess she's going into the scripts again...

I looked around

If I can't get out of this hell hole, at least I can get out by dying...Nobody would know but her, she'll fall into despair, but that's what I want, besides, nobody would even miss me...I don't even think Monika would anyways...

I stood and walked around, the closet is where I'm going, where Natsuki keeps her mangas.

I walked in and noticed a box cutter, I took it from my very hand, I stared at it and looked out of the closet, Monika is still on focusing on what she's doing.

I walked out

"If I kill her, what left do I have? Nothing...I'll just have to delete me, also known as Kill myself," I muttered

I stopped right in front of Monika, I noticed how cute she looks when she's focused, I noticed the windows.

I walked towards the windows, looking out, was nothing but space and meteors, no gravity, no oxygen, no nothing.

"Maybe that's how I'll feel once I cut my neck off with this..." I stared at the box cutter

"No air, just pain, I'll see nothing...Yeah...Let me end this now..." I raised my hand where I held the box cutter on

The blade near my neck, I breathed in and out I plunged the box cutter on my neck, but to my surprise, I didn't feel anything, I looked at my hand to find nothing, but I found myself pushed, I turned around and found my back just on the wall

"What were you doing!?" Monika cried out, her eyes were filled with worry and shock

"If I hadn't come here earlier, I would have found you dead! Do you really hate me that much!?" Monika added

I stared at her, I grit my teeth and finally cried, I couldn't say anything, not when she's there, she hugged me

"Sshh...It's fine, I got you my love, just pour it all out until there's nothing left," Monika said

A few minutes after I cried, I found Monika and I sitting by the wall as she pets my head.

"Are you better now?" Monika asks

I hesitated and looked upon her; Her smile was calm, it makes me feel assured, her eyes, they looked so pretty, how come I have never seen this?

I nodded after admiring her beauty

"You still don't want to talk huh?" Monika says as she frowns

I was surprised, she's sad because of me

I looked down and muttered

"...I'm feeling fine..." 

"What?" Monika asks as if she's surprised

"...I'm feeling fine....because of you..." I whispered, a little louder

"Your voice...Sounds nice and calming, but I'm glad- wait did you just say it's because of me?" Monika asked

I nodded and looked back up to her

"I love you..." I said

Monika smiled

"You don't know how much I wanted to hear that from the start, my love," Monika said

"I love you..." She said and kissed me

I guess living with her won't be so bad

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