Part 8. Donor & History of origin

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Marcel Pov.
(if anything, Marcel is already in a T-shirt and shorts)

Yesterday i told Jonathan that I wanted to stay to look after our owl. In fact, do not look after him, but do something with him. Now i take Evy in a wedding style and carry to the bathroom. He is still fast asleep and sniffs peacefully. What a cutie. Having adjusted the warm water, i carefully put Evy in the bathtub. I held onto his fragie body while i washed him. Over time, i heard Evan purring softly. He probably felt it.
After the bath, i brought him into my room and dressed him in something cute.

He still hasn't woken up

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He still hasn't woken up. I laid him on a pillow, leaving him in the room. The guys were at home for a long time.
"Well, how did you look after Evan yesterday? Did he behave badly?" - asked Jonathan.
"No. He said he wanted to meet you at the front door, but i told him about the bad guys who could abduct him. But he was not so stupid and a believer. He says that he would have been stolen before us. But i played along to him a little and shut him in the room with me. Have you seen his scared face!" - i grinned.
Why didn't you let him wait? Still, it would be okay. Nobody would have abducted him so easily!" - said Jonathan.
"I'am sorry. But my truths say otherwise." - i lied.

Evan Pov.

I woke up from whose conversations from below. I was wearing another clothes. It was more comfortable. I got out of bed and left a little pain in the ass, but i could walk. Going down, i saw that everyone was at home again. Suddenly, i was raised in a wedding style.
"Here he is. Our little owl woke up." It was Jaren.
Then there was a knock on the window.
"Guys, there's some kind of owl knocking on the window." - shouted John.
I recognized the owl knocking on the window.
"Get her out." - said Jonathan.
"NO!! WAIT!!" - i screamed, breaking free of the grip.
I opened the window, and the owl jumped to my chest, clinging to me.

I opened the window, and the owl jumped to my chest, clinging to me

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"God, Kou, i was so worried about you! How did you find me?"

Did you recognize me in the window? You have a keen eyes."
"Evan, do you know her?" - Bryce asked.
"Oh. Guys. This is Kou. She was my donor." - i said.
Everyone had shocked faces.
"Donor? How could she be your donor?" - Craig asked.
"Come on, I'll tell you everything." - i said.

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