part one: "out from under the rock"

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its another day. in your boring old life. you lay in your bed, thinking about what will happen today. suddenly, you have an urge to turn on the TV. as soon as you do,  the news bursts with loud sounds. the only word you can make out is'fluffy'. with hearing that word you pop up sitting straight, listening to the news. ' there is a new craze: worm on a string. teens have become obsessed with them once again.' after hearing that, you knew that you needed it in your life. you automatically take out  your phone. you go on amazon,  and see a worm for 1 cent. "yes!" you whisper to yourself. you buy it, and you have to wait... 2 days! you forgot you had amazon prime.  you cancel the shipment, and this time, apply amazon prime. now the wait is 1 hour.  1 hour felt like forever. after the hour, you hear the doorbell ring. you rush to the door, excited to see your worm. 

a squirmy situation (reader x worm on a string)Where stories live. Discover now