The City

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Hey, Kittens! Ready for this chapter? I know I am, let's go!

Marinette had been walking through the woods for hours. She didn't know how far she had gone, or which way she was going; she just hoped she was getting close to somewhere because she really didn't want to sleep in the forest. As long as she could get out of the woods, she knew that she would be a safe distance from those people; she just had to keep going, push on a little longer.

By the time she finally emerged, on the other side of the forest, it was 5 in the morning. She looked around, trying to find a place where she could nap for a couple of hours before continuing. There wasn't much around where she had emerged, just a dirt road and a farmhouse. She decided that the only thing she could do was keep walking and hope that the rode took her somewhere she could sleep. As she was passing the farmhouse, she saw a big barn on the other side and decided that if it were open, it wouldn't be a wrong place to sleep. Creeping up to the barn door, she slowly pushed on it, and thankfully it gave way; it was unlocked. Slowly, she stuck her head in and sighed in relief when she saw that there were only animals, no people there. Marinette crawled up into the hayloft after closing the door behind her and pulled out the old hole-ridden blanket that she took with her and curled up on a pile of hay to take a nap. It wasn't long before she had drifted into dreamland, where everything was happy, and she had no more worries.

----Marinette's POV----

I was playing at this cute little park, I was little again for some reason, but I didn't care. I was with a friend, I couldn't see his face, but I could tell that we were close. He walked off for a moment, and I sat down to enjoy the soft grass for a bit, a ladybug came over and landed on my hand. I watched in fascination as it crawled around, before seeming satisfied and just sat there, looking back at me. Then two adults called my name, and I turned my head away from the ladybug. I turned my head back, and the ladybug was gone, so I got up and went over to the people who had called for me. For some reason, their faces were fuzzy, but I knew that they were my parents, and I was so happy to see them. I ran over and hugged them, I never wanted to let them go, I wished they could hold me in their arms forever, but all good things eventually come to an end. I could hear some noises that didn't sound right, someone talking, the voice unfamiliar, and then the sound of boots on would. Suddenly, the world around me disappeared, and I woke up with a jolt.

I looked around, and reality came back to me. I was in a barn, taking a nap as I ran from the guys who kidnapped me when I was little. I wanted to sigh, but the sound of someone walking up the stairs snapped me to attention real fast. Oh crap, someone's coming up, I have to find someplace to hide, and fast! Quickly glancing around, I dashed behind a pile of hay as fast and as quietly as I could. A young man came into view as I peeked around the hay; he had dark brown hair and a tall build. I would guess he was probably 18 or 19. Most people who met him, probably thought he was good looking, but I just saw a guy, I hated guys, well, all except for Alya's brother, but that's different. I mean, I had been tortured almost all of my life by men, can you blame for not liking them? Anyways, he seemed like he was just up here to get some hay, which meant at least he wasn't looking for me, so that was a good thing. On the other hand, he was walking right towards the pile I was hiding behind. I knew I had to get out of there and fast.

Before I could safely sneak to a new hiding spot, the man saw me. "Hey, what are you doing there?!" he said, probably a little surprised, but he sounded rather angry too. Of course, given the situation I had just escaped from, I began to shake in fear, my eyes darting around, searching for a way out. I couldn't make it to the stairs because he was in my way and I could hear someone else on there way up, so I took the only option I had available to me, I jumped out the window.

Thankfully I had a reasonably soft landing, I tucked and rolled and quickly got up and started running before the two could even process what had happened. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me down that dirt road, after about a half-hour of constant running, I decided that they weren't following me and that it was safe to stop and take a break. I sat down on a nearby rock and allowed my self to catch my breath.

After I finally felt like I could breathe again, I got up and started walking, my stomach growling as I did so. I looked at my watch and saw that it was now almost 10 in the morning. I sighed, wishing I had some food with me, but I did not, so I just kept walking. Hopefully, this road will take me to somewhere that has food. By the time it hit noon, I was so hungry that I could barely keep going until I noticed that somewhere along the way, the dirt road had become paved. I must be getting close to a city! I became excited at the thought, and somehow found the energy to sprint up the hill I was climbing, upon reaching the top, I was amazed at what I saw. In front of me was a ginormous city and in the center, there was this really big cool looking tower, the tower seemed slightly familiar. I tried to think about why, when suddenly it hit me, I was in France, this was Paris, the place that I grew up in before I was kidnapped. Happy to have finally found a city, I walked on ahead, wondering what would be waiting for me. There was one thing I knew for sure, and that was that the next thing on my agenda was to find some food.

So, what did you think of the chapter Kittens? I hope you like it! I plan on having her meet Chat soon, so all you Marichat fans get ready to fangirl. 😉Until next time Kittens!❤️

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